
aerc: calendar: skip editor when replying to invitations v3 APPLIED

inwit: 1
 calendar: skip editor when replying to invitations

 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
#1310990 alpine-edge.yml success
#1310991 openbsd.yml success
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[PATCH aerc v3] calendar: skip editor when replying to invitations Export this patch

Most of the time, accepting an invitation does not require editing the
automatically generated email before sending it. Allow the user to
optionally skip the editor entirely and go directly to the review screen
when dealing with invitations.

Signed-off-by: inwit <inwit@sindominio.net>
References: https://todo.sr.ht/~rjarry/aerc/247#event-380840

v3: rebase on master.
v2: correct some typos, remove RFC.
 commands/msg/invite.go | 9 +++++++--
 doc/aerc.1.scd         | 8 +++++++-
 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/commands/msg/invite.go b/commands/msg/invite.go
index c62397c5..a51dce8a 100644
--- a/commands/msg/invite.go
+++ b/commands/msg/invite.go
@@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ import (

type invite struct {
	Edit   bool `opt:"-e"`
	NoEdit bool `opt:"-E"`
	Edit       bool `opt:"-e"`
	NoEdit     bool `opt:"-E"`
	SkipEditor bool `opt:"-s"`

func init() {
@@ -145,6 +146,10 @@ func (i invite) Execute(args []string) error {

		if i.SkipEditor {

		return nil

diff --git a/doc/aerc.1.scd b/doc/aerc.1.scd
index 9d1d3302..9e1830a4 100644
--- a/doc/aerc.1.scd
+++ b/doc/aerc.1.scd
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ message list, the message in the message viewer, etc).
	The *-m* option sets the multi-file strategy. See *aerc-notmuch*(5) for more

*:accept* [*-e*|*-E*]
*:accept* [*-e*|*-E*|*-s*]
	Accepts an iCalendar meeting invitation. This opens a compose window
	with a specially crafted attachment. Sending the email will let the
	inviter know that you accepted and will likely update their calendar as
@@ -326,6 +326,8 @@ message list, the message in the message viewer, etc).

	*-E*: Forces *[compose].edit-headers* = _false_ for this message only.

	*-s*: Skips the editor and goes directly to the review screen.

*:accept-tentative* [*-e*|*-E*]
	Accepts an iCalendar meeting invitation tentatively.

@@ -333,6 +335,8 @@ message list, the message in the message viewer, etc).

	*-E*: Forces *[compose].edit-headers* = _false_ for this message only.

	*-s*: Skips the editor and goes directly to the review screen.

*:copy* [*-dp*] [*-a* _<account>_] [*-m* _<strategy>_] _<folder>_++
*:cp* [*-dp*] [*-a* _<account>_] [*-m* _<strategy>_] _<folder>_
	Copies the selected message(s) to _<folder>_.
@@ -353,6 +357,8 @@ message list, the message in the message viewer, etc).

	*-E*: Forces *[compose].edit-headers* = _false_ for this message only.

	*-s*: Skips the editor and goes directly to the review screen.

*:delete* [*-m* _<strategy>_]++
*:delete-message* [*-m* _<strategy>_]
	Deletes the selected message.
aerc/patches: SUCCESS in 2m7s

[calendar: skip editor when replying to invitations][0] v3 from [inwit][1]

[0]: https://lists.sr.ht/~rjarry/aerc-devel/patches/54692
[1]: mailto:inwit@sindominio.net

✓ #1310991 SUCCESS aerc/patches/openbsd.yml     https://builds.sr.ht/~rjarry/job/1310991
✓ #1310990 SUCCESS aerc/patches/alpine-edge.yml https://builds.sr.ht/~rjarry/job/1310990