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How to add other email in Cc

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Hi list,

I'm loving this email client, and I'm try
to understand how to add email in Cc.

This feature is really useful when
discussing in emailing list and/or point
out a patch to another maintainer.

So, I'm missing some docs around or
this feature need to be implemented?

If no one is going to work on it, I could
allocate some of my time to make a patch 
for it, but I may need some mentoring in 
the code base.


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<CQOK97C8KKZ1.1KG4DQOOQ8P9G@vincent-arch> (view parent)
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On Tue Feb 21, 2023 at 3:32 PM CST, Vincenzo Palazzo wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm loving this email client, and I'm try
> to understand how to add email in Cc.
> This feature is really useful when
> discussing in emailing list and/or point
> out a patch to another maintainer.
> So, I'm missing some docs around or
> this feature need to be implemented?
> If no one is going to work on it, I could
> allocate some of my time to make a patch 
> for it, but I may need some mentoring in 
> the code base.

Hey Vincent -

I'm not completely clear on your question, but here are three ideas I have to
help you out:

1. If you are able to add one email to Cc, you can add more by comma-delimiting
the list:
	Cc: ~rjarry/aerc-discuss@lists.srh.ht, vincenzopalazzodev@gmail.com, ...

2. If you are unable to add any, make sure that the field is shown in the
header-layout config key. In aerc.conf, make sure you have something like:

	header-layout = To,Cc,From,Subject

3. If you are unable to focus on the Cc field, you may have a keybind <C-j> or
<C-k> to cycle between the fields. You can try those, or manually do
':next-field' or ':prev-field'

Hope these help!

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<CQOKQHH5VNAR.290384AMNL3G8@spunky> (view parent)
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On Tue Feb 21, 2023 at 4:55 PM EST, Tim Culverhouse wrote:
> 2. If you are unable to add any, make sure that the field is shown in the
> header-layout config key. In aerc.conf, make sure you have something like:
> 	[compose]
> 	header-layout = To,Cc,From,Subject

Even if it isn't in your header-layout, you should be able to add it by
running ':header Cc' while in compose mode. (You may need to use ctrl-x
to get the aerc command prompt as opposed to the vim command line.) You
can also directly set the value with ':header Cc: <value>'.

Jason Cox
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<CQONNRG96D48.13V9QKNLXOP0S@ramon> (view parent)
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On Wed Feb 22, 2023 at 1:14 AM CET, Jason Cox wrote:
> On Tue Feb 21, 2023 at 4:55 PM EST, Tim Culverhouse wrote:
> > 2. If you are unable to add any, make sure that the field is shown in the
> > header-layout config key. In aerc.conf, make sure you have something like:
> >
> > 	[compose]
> > 	header-layout = To,Cc,From,Subject
> Even if it isn't in your header-layout, you should be able to add it by
> running ':header Cc' while in compose mode. (You may need to use ctrl-x
> to get the aerc command prompt as opposed to the vim command line.) You
> can also directly set the value with ':header Cc: <value>'.
Thanks! I was missing the command view under the :compose
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