
go-opt: spec: parse remainder operands after -- v1 PROPOSED

Koni Marti: 1
 spec: parse remainder operands after --

 2 files changed, 155 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
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[PATCH go-opt] spec: parse remainder operands after -- Export this patch

Parse operands after the option delimiter ("--") and store them in the
remainder ("...") struct field. If no operand is provided after the
delimiter, issue a missingOperand error. Add tests for string remainder
and string slice remainder.


Using this Foo struct

	type Foo struct {
		Delay time.Duration `opt:"-t,--delay" action:"ParseDelay" default:"1s"`
		Force bool          `opt:"--force"`
		Name  string        `opt:"name" required:"false" metavar:"FOO"`
		Cmd   []string      `opt:"..."`

and the following cmdline, we would currently get this result:

$ foo --force -- bar baz 'xy z'
main.Foo{Delay:1000000000, Force:true, Name:"--", Cmd:[]string{"bar", "baz", "xy z"}}

However, with this patch applied, we get:

$ foo --force -- bar baz 'xy z'
main.Foo{Delay:1000000000, Force:true, Name:"", Cmd:[]string{"bar", "baz", "xy z"}}

Signed-off-by: Koni Marti <koni.marti@gmail.com>
 spec.go      |  32 ++++++++++++++
 spec_test.go | 123 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 155 insertions(+)
diff --git a/spec.go b/spec.go
index 323dffa..6e3486b 100644
--- a/spec.go
+++ b/spec.go
@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ var (
	positionalRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^([a-zA-Z][\w-]*)$`)

const optionDelim = "--"

// Interpret all struct fields to a list of option specs
func NewCmdSpec(name string, v any) *CmdSpec {
	typ := reflect.TypeOf(v)
@@ -337,6 +339,15 @@ func (s *optSpec) Flag() string {
	return usage

func (s *optSpec) isRemainder() bool {
	switch s.kind {
	case remainder, remainderSplit:
		return true
		return false

func (c *CmdSpec) Usage() string {
	if c.passthrough {
		return c.name + " ..."
@@ -355,6 +366,7 @@ type errKind int
const (
	unknownErr errKind = iota
@@ -372,6 +384,8 @@ func (e *ArgError) Error() string {
	switch e.kind {
	case missingValue:
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s takes a value", e.spec.Flag())
	case missingOperand:
		return fmt.Sprintf("missing operand after option delimiter: %#v", e)
	case takesNoValue:
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s does not take a value", e.spec.Flag())
	case unknownFlag:
@@ -486,14 +500,32 @@ func (c *CmdSpec) parseArgs(args *Args) []*ArgError {
				cur = nil
				goto next

			isDelim := arg == optionDelim
			for len(positionals) > 0 {
				spec := &c.opts[positionals[0]]
				positionals = positionals[1:]
				if spec.appliesToAlias(c.name) {
					if isDelim && !spec.isRemainder() {
						// if we encounter an option
						// delimiter, skip forward to
						// the remainder field
					cur = c.markSeen(spec, i)

			if isDelim {
				args.Shift(1) // consume option delimiter
				if args.Count() == 0 {
					fail(missingOperand, nil, errors.New(arg))
					goto next
				arg = args.Arg(0)

			if cur == nil {
				fail(unexpectedArg, nil, errors.New(arg))
				goto next
diff --git a/spec_test.go b/spec_test.go
index 1d0b6de..5c3510f 100644
--- a/spec_test.go
+++ b/spec_test.go
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ func TestArgsToStructErrors(t *testing.T) {
		{"foo -z", `"-z" unexpected argument`},
		{"bar -j4 foo baz", `"baz" unexpected argument`},
		{"bar -j4 invalid", `invalid value`},
		{"bar -j4 --", `missing operand`},

	for _, v := range vectors {
@@ -102,3 +103,125 @@ func TestArgsToStruct(t *testing.T) {

type OptionRemainderStruct struct {
	Jobs int    `opt:"-j" default:"3"`
	Name string `opt:"name" default:"no name"`
	Rest string `opt:"..." required:"false"`

func TestArgsToRemainderStruct(t *testing.T) {
	vectors := []struct {
		cmdline  string
		expected OptionRemainderStruct
			cmdline: `bar -j4 'f o o \(°</ f o o'`,
			expected: OptionRemainderStruct{
				Jobs: 4,
				Name: `f o o \(°</ f o o`,
			cmdline: `bar 'n a m e' -j7 this is the rest`,
			expected: OptionRemainderStruct{
				Jobs: 7,
				Name: "n a m e",
				Rest: "this is the rest",
			cmdline: `bar 'n a m e' -j7 -- this is the rest`,
			expected: OptionRemainderStruct{
				Jobs: 7,
				Name: "n a m e",
				Rest: "this is the rest",
			cmdline: `bar 'n a m e' -j7 -- -j8`,
			expected: OptionRemainderStruct{
				Jobs: 7,
				Name: "n a m e",
				Rest: "-j8",
			cmdline: `bar 'n a m e' -- -j8`,
			expected: OptionRemainderStruct{
				Jobs: 3,
				Name: "n a m e",
				Rest: "-j8",
			cmdline: `bar -j4 -- 8`,
			expected: OptionRemainderStruct{
				Jobs: 4,
				Name: "no name",
				Rest: "8",

	for _, v := range vectors {
		t.Run(v.cmdline, func(t *testing.T) {
			var s OptionRemainderStruct
			assert.Nil(t, opt.CmdlineToStruct(v.cmdline, &s))
			assert.Equal(t, v.expected, s)

type OptionRemainderSplitStruct struct {
	Jobs int      `opt:"-j,--jobs" default:"3"`
	Name string   `opt:"name"`
	Rest []string `opt:"..." required:"false"`

func TestArgsToRemainderSplitStruct(t *testing.T) {
	vectors := []struct {
		cmdline  string
		expected OptionRemainderSplitStruct
			cmdline: `bar --jobs=4 'f o o \(°</ f o o'`,
			expected: OptionRemainderSplitStruct{
				Jobs: 4,
				Name: `f o o \(°</ f o o`,
			cmdline: `bar 'n a m e' -j7 this is the rest`,
			expected: OptionRemainderSplitStruct{
				Jobs: 7,
				Name: "n a m e",
				Rest: []string{"this", "is", "the", "rest"},
			cmdline: `bar 'n a m e' --jobs=7 -- -j8`,
			expected: OptionRemainderSplitStruct{
				Jobs: 7,
				Name: "n a m e",
				Rest: []string{"-j8"},
			cmdline: `bar 'n a m e' -- -j8`,
			expected: OptionRemainderSplitStruct{
				Jobs: 3,
				Name: "n a m e",
				Rest: []string{"-j8"},

	for _, v := range vectors {
		t.Run(v.cmdline, func(t *testing.T) {
			var s OptionRemainderSplitStruct
			assert.Nil(t, opt.CmdlineToStruct(v.cmdline, &s))
			assert.Equal(t, v.expected, s)
Koni Marti, Feb 01, 2024 at 23:49: