All unread messages are highlighted with a gray background. This is
currently the same color used on mouse hover, simply because it was easy
to copy.
A channel is marked read when:
* You switch channel (either via mouse or keyboard); or
* you send a message.
This means that new messages _from others in the channel_ will remain
unread until you either:
* send a message; or
* change the current channel.
Future improvements:
* Add a keybinding to mark the channel read (easy-ish)
* Mark a message as read as soon as it's received if the terminal window
(and thus comlink itself) is focused (harder).
* Mark a channel read on window focus (easy-ish).
- This might actually not be nice? I wouldn't want a channel to be
marked read as soon as I focus the window in case there's a long
scrollback I want to catch up on.
src/app.zig | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/app.zig b/src/app.zig
index c774a3d..444390c 100644
--- a/src/app.zig
+++ b/src/app.zig
@@ -760,6 +760,19 @@ pub const App = struct {
channel.has_unread = true;
+ // If we get a message from the current user mark the channel as
+ // read, since they must have just sent the message.
+ const sender: []const u8 = blk: {
+ const src = msg2.source() orelse break :blk "";
+ const l = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, src, '!') orelse
+ std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, src, '@') orelse
+ src.len;
+ break :blk src[0..l];
+ };
+ if (std.mem.eql(u8, sender, client.config.nick)) {
+ self.markSelectedChannelRead();
+ }
@@ -773,6 +786,10 @@ pub const App = struct {
pub fn nextChannel(self: *App) void {
+ // When leaving a channel we mark it as read, so we make sure that's done
+ // before we change to the new channel.
+ self.markSelectedChannelRead();
const state = self.state.buffers;
if (state.selected_idx >= state.count - 1)
self.state.buffers.selected_idx = 0
@@ -781,6 +798,10 @@ pub const App = struct {
pub fn prevChannel(self: *App) void {
+ // When leaving a channel we mark it as read, so we make sure that's done
+ // before we change to the new channel.
+ self.markSelectedChannelRead();
switch (self.state.buffers.selected_idx) {
0 => self.state.buffers.selected_idx = self.state.buffers.count - 1,
else => self.state.buffers.selected_idx -|= 1,
@@ -1000,9 +1021,6 @@ pub const App = struct {
.client => {}, // nothing to do
.channel => |channel| {
- // Mark the channel as read
- try channel.markRead();
// Request WHO if we don't already have it
if (!channel.who_requested) try channel.client.whox(channel);
@@ -1353,6 +1371,16 @@ pub const App = struct { = .{ .index = 3 };
+ // Color the background of unread messages gray.
+ if (message.localTime(& |instant| {
+ if (instant.unixTimestamp() > channel.last_read) {
+ for (segments.items) |*item| {
+ = .{ .index = 8 };
+ }
+ }
+ }
_ = try content_win.print(
@@ -1531,6 +1559,9 @@ pub const App = struct {
if (channel_win.hasMouse(self.state.mouse)) |mouse| {
if (mouse.type == .press and mouse.button == .left) {
+ // When leaving a channel we mark it as read, so we make sure that's done
+ // before we change to the new channel.
+ self.markSelectedChannelRead();
self.state.buffers.selected_idx = row;
@@ -1865,6 +1896,17 @@ pub const App = struct {
+ fn markSelectedChannelRead(self: *App) void {
+ const buffer = self.selectedBuffer() orelse return;
+ switch (buffer) {
+ .channel => |channel| {
+ channel.markRead() catch return;
+ },
+ else => {},
+ }
+ }
/// this loop is run in a separate thread and handles writes to all clients.
2.39.5 (Apple Git-154)
On Fri Nov 22, 2024 at 9:39 PM CST, Kristófer R wrote:
> All unread messages are highlighted with a gray background. This is
> currently the same color used on mouse hover, simply because it was easy
> to copy.
> A channel is marked read when:
> * You switch channel (either via mouse or keyboard); or
> * you send a message.
> This means that new messages _from others in the channel_ will remain
> unread until you either:
> * send a message; or
> * change the current channel.
> Future improvements:
> * Add a keybinding to mark the channel read (easy-ish)
> * Mark a message as read as soon as it's received if the terminal window
> (and thus comlink itself) is focused (harder).
> * Mark a channel read on window focus (easy-ish).
> - This might actually not be nice? I wouldn't want a channel to be
> marked read as soon as I focus the window in case there's a long
> scrollback I want to catch up on.
> ---
Looks great! Applied, thanks!