src/App.zig | 25 +++++++++++++++++++------
1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/App.zig b/src/App.zig
index d5bcba7..a3cded2 100644
--- a/src/App.zig+++ b/src/App.zig
@@ -1686,6 +1686,7 @@ fn draw(self: *App) !void {
var prev_sender: ?[]const u8 = null;
+ var prev_time: ?zeit.Time = null; var i: usize = channel.messages.items.len -| self.state.messages.scroll_offset;
var y_off: usize = message_list_win.height -| 1;
while (i > 0) {
@@ -1701,13 +1702,25 @@ fn draw(self: *App) !void {
break :blk src[0..l];
- // If this sender is not the same as the previous printed- // message, then we'll print the previous sender and keep- // going+ // If this sender is not the same as the previous+ // printed message OR if the previous message was sent+ // more than some interval ago, then we'll print the+ // previous sender and keep going defer prev_sender = sender;
- if (prev_sender != null and- !mem.eql(u8, sender, prev_sender.?) and- y_off > 0)+ defer prev_time = message.time;++ const time_gap = time_gap: {
Minor nit: could you add the explicit type here? Makes it easier for me to read
without having to find what type the block breaks with
const time_gap: bool = ...
The rest looks good!
+ // We are iterating through the messages in reverse,+ // so the timestamp of the "previous" message is+ // greater than the timestamp of the current message+ const t1 = if (message.time) |t| t.instant().timestamp else break :time_gap false;+ const t2 = if (prev_time) |t| t.instant().timestamp else break :time_gap false;+ break :time_gap @divTrunc(t2 - t1, std.time.ns_per_min) > 5;+ };++ if (y_off > 0 and+ prev_sender != null and+ (time_gap or !mem.eql(u8, sender, prev_sender.?))) {
y_off -|= 1;
const user = try client.getOrCreateUser(prev_sender.?);