On Thu May 6, 2021 at 14:12 CET, Matt LeBlanc wrote:
> Hi Sebastien,
> Thanks for the details! I will give that a shot.
> I have put the yoda file here on lxplus, if that works for you :
> /afs/cern.ch/work/m/mleblanc/public/forSebastien/TOP-Model0.yoda
> The Histo2D's are exactly the ones I am interested in using this
> conversion
> for, they have names like "h_wjet_lundplane_TOP-Model0," in case it's
> something to do with the underscore or dash?
it should be fixed with v0.28.5
$> go get -u -v go-hep.org/x/hep/cmd/yoda2root
$> yoda2root ./TOP-Model0.yoda oo.root
$> root-ls ./oo.root
=== [./oo.root] ===
version: 62202
TH2D h_tjet_lundplane (cycle=1)
TH1D tjet_pt (cycle=1)
TH1D tjet_m (cycle=1)
TH1D tjet_nconst (cycle=1)
TH1D tjet_nCA (cycle=1)
TH1D tjet_ljp_dr (cycle=1)
TH1D tjet_ljp_z (cycle=1)
TH2D h_wjet_lundplane (cycle=1)
TH1D wjet_pt (cycle=1)
TH1D wjet_m (cycle=1)
TH1D wjet_nconst (cycle=1)
TH1D wjet_nCA (cycle=1)
TH1D wjet_ljp_dr (cycle=1)
TH1D wjet_ljp_z (cycle=1)
TH2D h_ejet_lundplane (cycle=1)
TH1D ejet_pt (cycle=1)
TH1D ejet_m (cycle=1)
TH1D ejet_nconst (cycle=1)
TH1D ejet_nCA (cycle=1)
TH1D ejet_ljp_dr (cycle=1)
TH1D ejet_ljp_z (cycle=1)
TDirectoryFile RAW RAW (cycle=1)
TH2D h_tjet_lundplane (cycle=1)
TH1D tjet_pt (cycle=1)
TH1D tjet_m (cycle=1)
TH1D tjet_nconst (cycle=1)
TH1D tjet_nCA (cycle=1)
TH1D tjet_ljp_dr (cycle=1)
TH1D tjet_ljp_z (cycle=1)
TH2D h_wjet_lundplane (cycle=1)
TH1D wjet_pt (cycle=1)
TH1D wjet_m (cycle=1)
TH1D wjet_nconst (cycle=1)
TH1D wjet_nCA (cycle=1)
TH1D wjet_ljp_dr (cycle=1)
TH1D wjet_ljp_z (cycle=1)
TH2D h_ejet_lundplane (cycle=1)
TH1D ejet_pt (cycle=1)
TH1D ejet_m (cycle=1)
TH1D ejet_nconst (cycle=1)
TH1D ejet_nCA (cycle=1)
TH1D ejet_ljp_dr (cycle=1)
TH1D ejet_ljp_z (cycle=1)