hi there,
I was hinting at it in the last mailing about the v0.31.0 release.
it's now live: Google and CERN are teaming up to host a Go hackathon and
improve scientific applications or libraries written in Go.
Either working on general scientific apps/libs, or working on
3 CERN-related applications or libraries
- Reva: https://reva.link/
- Go-HEP: https://go-hep.org/
- Golbd https://github.com/cernops/golbd
More informations about the hackathon are available here:
- https://gohack.devpost.com/
don't hesitate to spread the word.
In preparation for this hackathon, I've prepared 3 projects (they are
but suggestions):
- groot-rntuple (adding support for ROOT-7 RNTuple file format)
- groot-member-wise-streaming (adding support for reading/writing
member-wise objects)
- hplot-zoom-pan (adding support for plot interactivity in hplot:
zoom/pan with mouse+wheel, on top of vg/vggio)