Fri Apr 29 08:05:58 PDT 2022
So I spent most of the day yesterday tracking down a bug that turned out
to be a simple bone-head error: I had marked the COMMA word as IMMEDIATE.
Due to that, when the definition of IF was compiled instead of compiling
the CFA of COMMA into the definition of IF it was executed. This left
the field of the IF def set to all 0's, so later when IF was running the
NEXT machinery would load 0x00000000 as the address of the next codefield,
which location in RAM contains the initial "jump past the reserved
storage" instruction, which is itself NOT a valid location in RAM (it's
way too high.) So when the CPU tried to jump to the "address" which was
really a Mov instruction, it "launched into the void" instead. Boo.
The hard thing to debug was that the problem happened later than the
cause. Also my tools are still crude. Also I'm out of practice. I
should have been able to locate the bug in an hour or two. There are a
lot of distractions going on right now, but still, this system is way too
small for bugs to hide for long.
And that brings me to my main point: only bonehead bugs like this one
could lurk in the code. It's too simple and straight forward to hide
other classes of bugs. Forth itself is composed of tiny little programs
each remarkably simple, and they are composed in patterns that are
themselves remarkably simple, so "if you do it right" the result is
elegant and highly reliable.
Two factors (at least) uh, factor into this: The stack, and Forth's
simple fractal structure that facilitates refactoring.
Once you get used to it, the stack as sole (or nearly sole) interface
between small programs seems to make it very easy to analyze, factor
(there's that word again!) and compose mentally convenient "chunks" of
program. It favors small and simple interfaces even when dealing with
large and complex datastructures and algorithms.
The structure of Forth allows (even encourages) refactoring to a degree
that is rare in other languages. (IIRC Forth is the origin of the formal
idea of "refactoring" in programming, but I could be wrong about that.)
This helps to keep programs simple and small both physically in terms of
LoC and conceptually. Each refactored definition becomes a new "unit" or
"chunk" of thought, available to be plugged in where ever it would be
useful. As an example, I've already factored out to tiny little
programs from the control-flow words, and another two just from the
definition of '(' for nested parentheses comments.
: H@ HERE @ ;
: kj DUP H@ SWAP - SWAP ! ;
: =1- = IF 1- THEN ;
: 0? DUP $0 = ;
The first one is "HERE FETCH" which puts the value of the HERE variable
onto the stack. It's used nearly a half-dozen times in the definitions
immediately following it.
The second one is poorly named (I just picked to letters at random) and
although it would take a whole paragraph to describe what it does in
words, mentally it's a single unit. (It fixes up a location in a word
definition that's being compiled.)
The third one is very straightforward. It compares two numbers and if
they are equal it subtracts 1 from a third number.
The fourth word is even simpler, it leaves a Boolean value on the stack
indicating if the item below it is zero or not. That's it.
So there you go, there are four tiny little programs, each one is a bit
idiosyncratic, but you could imagine using them in other definitions (or,
like H@ they are already used in several definitions.) Each is flawless,
there is no scope for bugs in them.
As I said above, when I had finally tracked down the bug (and there were
clues: the stack underflowed for one) and was musing on it later, it
struck me that only such a bone-headed "D'oh!" kind of bug could lurk in
this code base. It's just too small. I'm sure I have more bugs in the
assembly code, but not too many, because there just isn't that much of it,
and the things that are in there are (again) all very small and simple.
The core code right now is just over six hundred words of RAM. It could
almost fit in the bootloader ROM! (But I'm not going to mess with that.
Code golf for a rainy day.)
Sat Apr 30 07:08:39 PDT 2022
Thing is, it was a spec bug, not a logic bug or an off-by-one or
something. I implemented the wrong spec (COMMA is not IMMEDIATE) but the
system worked, or at least the parts of it worked, they just did the
wrong thing because I didn't follow the blueprint closely enough.