From siiky to ~sircmpwn/
Oh sneaky, thanks.
From siiky to ~sircmpwn/
Hullo! In the "Billing Information" page[0] there's this message: > Your account is paid and up-to-date, and your last payment of $XX was made N months ago. Your current yearly payment is $XX and will be billed M months from now. Is there a way to know the certain date when my service will be terminated if I don't pay? Is it on the same MM-DD of the last payment (as printed on the invoice)? I imagine I'll be getting an email before that happens, but I'd like to be prepared. :) [0]:
From siiky to ~qeef/damn-project
> Please, use "Get working on" instead.
Oooh that's the detail I was missing! Thanks!
(PS: sorry, didn't send my previous mail to the list...)
From siiky to ~qeef/damn-project
Thanks for the reply! There's at least SpatiaLite[0] as a GIS extension for SQLite. How good it is, and how it compares to PostGIS (feature-wise and language-wise) I don't know, I haven't used either. RE loads: that makes sense, though it's possible to tweak SQLite for better performance in concurrent contexts (such as enbaling WAL mode[1][2]). It's also possible to serialize SQLite access (e.g. with a "proxy class"), and with more SQLite tweaks (allowing it to assume single-process and single-thread[3], plus [4]), I doubt it would be much slower than Postgres.
From siiky to ~qeef/damn-project
Hi, When developing damn did you consider SQLite? If yes, why did you end up choosing Postgres? If not, do you think deploying with SQLite instead of Postgres is feasible? Thanks
From siiky to ~siiky/public
Holy sh*t! I didn't expect many people to read my stuff let alone reply/comment! Thanks a lot for your message, you get to say "first!" :) I'll surely add both recommendations to my list, though I don't know when I'll be able to read them (too many things I want to do/read/see/...). Staring into the abyss is becoming harder and harder to avoid anyway.
From siiky to ~qeef/damn-project
Hi ya'll! I believe this[0] is a typo -- s/world/word/ [0]: