>---> sgx_jmp.rb | 15 ++++++++++-----> 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)>>diff --git a/sgx_jmp.rb b/sgx_jmp.rb>index cd2bb12..38c1daf 100644>--- a/sgx_jmp.rb>+++ b/sgx_jmp.rb>@@ -847,16 +847,21 @@ Command.new(> reply.command << FormTemplate.render("lnp")> end> ]).then { |(customer, iq)|>- PortInOrder.parse(customer, iq.form).complete_with do |form|>+ PortInOrder.parse(customer, iq.form).complete_with { |form|> Command.reply { |reply|> reply.allowed_actions = [:next]> reply.command << form> }.then(&:form)>- end>- }.then do |order|>+ }.then { |order|>+ [order, customer]>+ }>+ }.then do |(order, customer)|> order_id = BandwidthIris::PortIn.create(order.to_h)[:order_id]>- BLATHER.join(CONFIG[:notify_admin], "sgx-jmp")>- BLATHER.say(CONFIG[:notify_admin], order.message(order_id), :groupchat)>+ customer.stanza_from(Blather::Stanza::Message.new(>+ Blather::JID.new(""),>+ order.message(order_id)>+ ))
Hmm. did you try this? Did it work? I think you need to change the sgx to
direct target notify_to for this blank JID idea to work. Like you see in the
sims command.
>+> Command.finish(> "Your port-in request has been accepted, " \> "support will contact you with next steps">-- >2.34.1>