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> curl -i https://godocs.io/compress/gzip
HTTP/2 500
alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000
content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 01:09:03 GMT
server: Caddy
Message ID
<CAP8dQmu+naswPzQ=d1eoPaUwUkJCa6P6MHovSZ5BMLH04FgNxg@mail.gmail.com> (view parent)
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Wonder if it's the same problem as last time - running out of storage
space? I set up an instance, had a quick poke around, and found the
packages table in the database stores raw source bytes in the

	CREATE TABLE packages (
		platform text NOT NULL,
		import_path text NOT NULL,
		module_path text NOT NULL,
		series_path text NOT NULL,
		version text NOT NULL,
		reference text NOT NULL,
		commit_time timestamptz NOT NULL,
		name text NOT NULL,
		synopsis text NOT NULL,
		score float NOT NULL,
		imports text[],
		path text, -- /mnt/san/video/$show/2024/nseterst.mxf
		source bytea,
		error text NOT NULL,
		searchtext tsvector GENERATED ALWAYS AS (
			to_tsvector('english', "name") ||
			to_tsvector('english', coalesce(synopsis, '')) ||
			array_to_tsvector(string_to_array("import_path", '/'))) STORED,
		PRIMARY KEY (platform, import_path, version),
		FOREIGN KEY (module_path) REFERENCES modules (module_path) ON DELETE CASCADE

As a quick fix could probably compress the bytes (gzip?) before storage.

In the meantime I've set up my own instance: https://godoc.srcbeat.com
Project: https://sr.ht/~otl/gddo

And I've started to make a few changes to make it easier for me to
maintain for somenone like me who has barely ever worked with
relational databases :)

Hoping to move it to its own domain if I can! Well done on the awesome
work since forking from godoc.org!
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<20240901114741.57dee2a9@silver.home.olowe.co> (view parent)
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On Sat, Aug 31, 2024 at 8:47 PM Oliver Lowe  wrote:
> In the meantime I've set up my own instance: https://godoc.srcbeat.com
> Project: https://sr.ht/~otl/gddo

oh for fucks sake

> curl -i https://godoc.srcbeat.com
HTTP/2 502
alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000
server: Caddy
content-length: 0
date: Sun, 01 Sep 2024 04:47:21 GMT
Message ID
<CAP8dQmv4Q8xAu4TWNGaPSw1py5z3k-wiRj9dSweVPrcd-dfd7Q@mail.gmail.com> (view parent)
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> oh for fucks sake
> > curl -i https://godoc.srcbeat.com  
> HTTP/2 502
> alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000
> server: Caddy
> content-length: 0
> date: Sun, 01 Sep 2024 04:47:21 GMT

Hahaha don't worry I'm hacking at it so it's up and down. I'll post
here and to the list lists.sr.ht/~otl/untangledco when it's stable.
Hope it's helpful :)
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