I thought I'd let you know that this commit rubbed many of my Russian
friends the wrong way.
Some quotes, some translated:
> Switching Russian greeting to an Ukrainian one is pure politicizing. I> would be totally okay if they just add a new one.> Thought to try [Hare] in a commercial project. Well fuck now. [leaves> chat]> There is a political background here. I don't like it when politics> interferes with free projects. We maintain neutral communication and> respect for each other.> Why not have both greetings?> Isn't it hate? A passive aggression. I like the idea of Hare...[but] I> don't want to talk or mess with people having rusophobic position.
On 10/22/22 03:00, Byron Torres wrote:
> I thought I'd let you know that this commit rubbed many of my Russian> friends the wrong way.
FWIW, I agree with the sentiment of your friends. This patch struck me
as unnecessarily divisive and clearly served no purpose other than to be
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after this reply, on threat of moderator intervention.
It's a small gesture, and the right gesture. Those who were rubbed the
wrong way by a five-character change may want to re-examine their
feelings about the events which motivated those changes.