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[PATCH hare] bufio: remove scanner inefficiency

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Patch: +50 -61
The new scanner with an internal read-ahead buffer contains an
inefficiency in which the underlying buffer is shifted left every time a
token is consumed.

Fix this by delaying the shift until an actual read-ahead from the
source IO handle is made, and only if the shift is required.

Signed-off-by: Jose Lombera <jose@lombera.dev>
We can observe the performance inefficiency with following simple
program that counts the newlines in a file.

	use bufio;
	use fmt;
	use io;
	use os;
	use types;

	export fn main() void = {
		if (len(os::args) != 2) {
			fmt::fatal("Usage:", os::args[0], "<file>");

		const fd = os::open(os::args[1])!;
		let s = bufio::newscanner(fd, types::SIZE_MAX);
		let count = 0z;

		for (true) {
			match (bufio::scan_bytes(&s, '\n')!) {
			case []u8 =>
				count += 1;
			case io::EOF =>


Let's test it in a file with 8M empty lines:

	$ yes "" | pv -bSs 8m > l.txt
	$ time ./newlines l.txt

	real    0m11.981s
	user    0m11.981s
	sys     0m0.000s

Let's make this worse by introducing a very long line (8KiB) at the
start of the file to force the buffer of the scanner to get bigger:

	$ (while true; do echo -n "12345678"; done) | pv -bSs 8k > l8k.txt
	$ yes "" | pv -bSs 8m >> l8k.txt
	$ time ./newlines l8k.txt

	real    0m35.167s
	user    0m35.165s
	sys     0m0.000s

These are the results after applying this patch:

	$ time ./newlines l.txt

	real    0m0.282s
	user    0m0.281s
	sys     0m0.001s

	$ time ./newlines l8k.txt

	real    0m0.280s
	user    0m0.276s
	sys     0m0.004s

 bufio/scanner.ha | 111 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bufio/scanner.ha b/bufio/scanner.ha
index 3eda47564a23..bc7cfe413331 100644
--- a/bufio/scanner.ha
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ def BUFSIZ: size = 4096;
export type scanner = struct {
	src: io::handle,
	buffer: []u8,
	// Number of bytes available in buffer
	pending: size,
	// Number of bytes returned to the user
	readout: size,
	// Index of start of pending bytes in buffer
	start: size,
	// Sub-slice with pending bytes in buffer
	pending: []u8,
	// User-confirmed maximum size of read buffer
	maxread: size,
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ export fn newscanner(src: io::handle, maxread: size) scanner = {
		src = src,
		buffer = alloc([0...], BUFSIZ),
		maxread = maxread,
		pending = 0,
		readout = 0,
		start = 0,
		pending = [],

@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ export fn newscanner_static(src: io::handle, buffer: []u8) scanner = {
		src = src,
		buffer = buffer,
		maxread = len(buffer),
		pending = 0,
		readout = 0,
		start = 0,
		pending = [],

@@ -65,49 +65,51 @@ export fn finish(scan: *scanner) void = {
// is updated accordingly. Returns the number of bytes which had been available
// prior to the call.
fn scan_readahead(scan: *scanner) (size | io::EOF | io::error) = {
	if (scan.pending >= len(scan.buffer)) {
		let readahead = scan.pending + BUFSIZ;
		if (readahead > scan.maxread) {
			readahead = scan.maxread;
		if (scan.pending >= readahead) {
			return errors::overflow;
	let start = scan.start;
	const pending = len(scan.pending);
	const buf_len = len(scan.buffer);

	if ((start + pending) >= buf_len) {
		if (start > 0) {
			// Shift buffer to the left to free space at the end
			scan.buffer[..buf_len - start] = scan.buffer[start..];
			scan.pending = scan.buffer[..pending];
			start = 0;
			scan.start = 0;
		} else {
			// Buffer is full, expand it
			let readahead = pending + BUFSIZ;
			if (readahead > scan.maxread) {
				readahead = scan.maxread;
			if (pending >= readahead) {
				return errors::overflow;
			append(scan.buffer, [0...], readahead);
		append(scan.buffer, [0...], readahead);


	const prev = scan.pending;
	match (io::read(scan.src, scan.buffer[scan.pending..])?) {
	match (io::read(scan.src, scan.buffer[start + pending..])?) {
	case let z: size =>
		scan.pending += z;
		return prev;
		scan.pending = scan.buffer[start..start + pending + z];
		return pending;
	case io::EOF =>
		return io::EOF;

// Shifts the buffer towards the start, discarding bytes which were read out.
fn scan_shift(scan: *scanner) void = {
	const n = scan.readout;
	if (n == 0) {
	scan.buffer[..len(scan.buffer) - n] = scan.buffer[n..];
	scan.readout = 0;
	scan.pending -= n;

// Consumes N bytes from the buffer, updating scan.readout. User must call
// [[scan_shift]] before calling scan_consume again.
// Consumes N bytes from the buffer.
fn scan_consume(scan: *scanner, n: size) []u8 = {
	assert(len(scan.buffer) >= n && scan.readout == 0);
	scan.readout = n;
	return scan.buffer[..n];
	assert(len(scan.pending) >= n);
	scan.start += n;
	defer scan.pending = scan.pending[n..];
	return scan.pending[..n];

// Reads one byte from a [[scanner]].
export fn scan_byte(scan: *scanner) (u8 | io::EOF | io::error) = {
	if (scan.pending == 0) {
	if (len(scan.pending) == 0) {
		match (scan_readahead(scan)?) {
		case io::EOF =>
			return io::EOF;
@@ -116,11 +118,6 @@ export fn scan_byte(scan: *scanner) (u8 | io::EOF | io::error) = {

	// Consume previous read, if any
	// Consume this read right away
	defer scan_shift(scan);

	return scan_consume(scan, 1)[0];

@@ -131,13 +128,11 @@ export fn scan_bytes(
	scan: *scanner,
	delim: (u8 | []u8),
) ([]u8 | io::EOF | io::error) = {

	let i = 0z, nread = 0z;
	let i = 0z;
	for (true) {
		match (bytes::index(scan.buffer[nread..scan.pending], delim)) {
		match (bytes::index(scan.pending[i..], delim)) {
		case let ix: size =>
			i = ix;
			i += ix;
		case void =>
@@ -145,13 +140,13 @@ export fn scan_bytes(

		match (scan_readahead(scan)?) {
		case io::EOF =>
			if (scan.pending == 0) {
			if (len(scan.pending) == 0) {
				return io::EOF;
			return scan_consume(scan, scan.pending);
			return scan_consume(scan, len(scan.pending));
		case let z: size =>
			// No need to re-index the earlier part of the buffer
			nread += z;
			i = z;

@@ -161,15 +156,15 @@ export fn scan_bytes(
	case let u: []u8 =>
		yield len(u);
	const nuser = nread + i, nconsume = nuser + ndelim;
	return scan_consume(scan, nconsume)[..nuser];
	const nconsume = i + ndelim;
	return scan_consume(scan, nconsume)[..i];

// Reads one rune from a [[scanner]].
export fn scan_rune(
	scan: *scanner,
) (rune | io::EOF | io::error | utf8::invalid) = {
	if (scan.pending < 4) {
	if (len(scan.pending) < 4) {
		match (scan_readahead(scan)?) {
		case io::EOF =>
			return io::EOF;
@@ -177,18 +172,13 @@ export fn scan_rune(
	const sz = match (utf8::utf8sz(scan.buffer[0])) {
	const sz = match (utf8::utf8sz(scan.pending[0])) {
	case let z: size =>
		yield z;
	case void =>
		return utf8::invalid;

	// Consume previous read, if any
	// Consume this read right away
	defer scan_shift(scan);

	const buf = scan_consume(scan, sz);
	const dec = utf8::decode(buf[..sz]);
	match (utf8::next(&dec)?) {
@@ -229,8 +219,7 @@ export fn scan_line(
// Returns the internal scanner buffer, which contains all bytes read ahead by
// the scanner up to this point.
export fn scan_buffer(scan: *scanner) []u8 = {
	return scan.buffer[..scan.pending];
	return scan.pending[..];

// Reads a single byte from an [[io::handle]].

base-commit: 1cbc3d0453055fa75b15797e937f4abafe53bcbc

[hare/patches] build success

builds.sr.ht <builds@sr.ht>
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<20230224103540.1120485-1-jose@lombera.dev> (view parent)
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hare/patches: SUCCESS in 1m26s

[bufio: remove scanner inefficiency][0] from [Jose Lombera][1]

[0]: https://lists.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/hare-dev/patches/39292
[1]: jose@lombera.dev

✓ #946830 SUCCESS hare/patches/alpine.yml  https://builds.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/job/946830
✓ #946831 SUCCESS hare/patches/freebsd.yml https://builds.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/job/946831
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<20230224103540.1120485-1-jose@lombera.dev> (view parent)
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To git@git.sr.ht:~sircmpwn/hare
   b76e834c..b0806f69  master -> master
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<CS0LUMG14JYA.2NNZODE8YIH5K@taiga> (view parent)
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On 2023-04-19 10:55 UTC, Drew DeVault wrote:
> Thanks!
> To git@git.sr.ht:~sircmpwn/hare
>    b76e834c..b0806f69  master -> master

It seems this patch was not applied (??)
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