Hmm, I was a bit confused reading this. Could you explain what problem this is intended to solve with a more specific example?
Also, you refer to “vertical scrolling”, but I'm guessing you mean horizontal scrolling?
Lastly, because I haven't reproduced the problem I don't know what the best solution is, but in my experience these kinds of things are not usually solved by fiddling with numbers, hence you still being able to reproduce the issue. This should generally be fixed by setting properties such as `overflow` and `word-wrap` to appropriate values.
Right, sorry for that confusing patch. I sent this very fast.
And yes you right, I meant horizontal scrolling. Here what I see with
qutebrowser, on Sway 1080p scaled 1.4:
The tutorial page got this tiny scrolling, because the .main plus the
two paddings are to wides.