Signed-off-by: Alexey Yerin <>
os/+linux/dirfdfs.ha | 12 ++++++------
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/os/+linux/dirfdfs.ha b/os/+linux/dirfdfs.ha
index 8ed155d8..538a4399 100644
--- a/os/+linux/dirfdfs.ha+++ b/os/+linux/dirfdfs.ha
@@ -17,27 +17,27 @@ use types::c;
// Note that on Linux, specifying BENEATH or IN_ROOT will also disable magic
// symlinks.
-export type resolve_flag = enum {- NORMAL,+export type resolve_flag = enum uint {+ NORMAL = 0, // Does not allow symlink resolution to occur for any symlinks which
// would refer to any anscestor of the fd directory. This disables all
// absolute symlinks, and any call to open or create with an absolute
// path.
- BENEATH,+ BENEATH = 1 << 0, // Treat the directory fd as the root directory. This affects
// open/create for absolute paths, as well as absolute path resolution
// of symlinks. The effects are similar to chroot.
- IN_ROOT,+ IN_ROOT = 1 << 1, // Disables symlink resolution entirely.
- NO_SYMLINKS,+ NO_SYMLINKS = 1 << 2, // Disallows traversal of mountpoints during path resolution. This is
// not recommended for general use, as bind mounts are extensively used
// on many systems.
- NO_XDEV,+ NO_XDEV = 1 << 3,};
type os_filesystem = struct {
Should these values match the values defined in linux/openat2.h?
I can see arguments against making them match, but then we should document
that in the definition of this type.