

Anyone working on Language Server implementation?

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I have asked this way back, but I wanted to poke this particular topic

Is anyone currently working on a language server implementation for
Hare? I would like to help in any way I can, be it testing or
maybe even development.

In case there is nobody working on it, I would be willing to try.
I have not made a language server before, so I would need to research
it more. However, before I start, I just wanted to know if others have
been trying it lately.

Some time ago when I asked this, someone mentioned that 
Hare compiler was lacking some feature that would make 
implementing this tool easier (or even possible?).

Any advice, ideas, etc. is welcome :)
- Aks
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<4877020.OV4Wx5bFTl@fedora-desktop> (view parent)
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In case it helps you along, here are the two previous attempts I'm aware of:
* https://git.sr.ht/~jfreymuth/hare-ls
* https://git.sr.ht/~tomleb/harepls
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