

Why `alloc` or `rt::malloc` consume so much memory?

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I'm doing a performance test for my protocol parser, I found that the
`alloc` or `rt::malloc` accidentally consume memory, it causes the
program consume starting from 2MB, that's why I wrote the following
test to prove my guess:

use rt;
use time;

export fn main() void = {

    // 1. Use `alloc`

    // for(let index=0z; index < 1000000; index +=1) {
    //    const temp_mem = alloc(123);
    //    defer free(temp_mem);
    //    time::sleep(time::MILLISECOND * 10);
    // };

    // 2. Use `rt::malloc`

    for(let index=0z; index < 1000000; index +=1) {
       const temp_mem = rt::malloc(size(size));
       defer rt::free_(temp_mem);
       time::sleep(time::MILLISECOND * 10);


No matter which one I choose, build in release mode, the program
starts from a 2MB footprint.

Then I tried this in C

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void) {
    for (size_t index=0; index < 1000000; index++) {
        void *temp_mem = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t));

It consumes around 400KB.

Could anyone know something about this?:)

Also, here is a side note about what `Hare` performance looks like
based on my test for sharing purposes:

[ Condition ]:

- Same algorithm but run 1,000,000 times, use short lifetime heap allocation
- Release mode: `-R` in hare, `-O3` in C, `ReleaseFast` in Zig

C    -> 19 sec, uses around 390KB
Hare -> 24 sec, uses around 2.2MB
Zig  -> 10 sec, uses around 156KB

The outcome is a little bit surprising, but I still love to use `Hare`
as my C replacement:)
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<CADC8Pp4v2TNvBGE_Jmn4HFq35iRAgdfqgyrv4QJ69wy7PX5OGQ@mail.gmail.com> (view parent)
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Hare's malloc allocates small allocations in batches 2 MiB at a time,
then divides the 2 MiB chunks up into small regions equal to the nearest
power of two for the requested allocation.

Comparing memory allocators on this basis, without itnernal knowledge of
your C library's allocator, for instance, is comparing apples to
oranges. That said, I think I want to spend some time improving the
allocator in the foreseeable future anyway, and these metrics might
change. But they'll still be mostly meaningless imo.
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