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Why Hare app is x3 times slowly than Dart?

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I've decided to compare Hare app and the same app written on Dart.
Both are compiled. Both have the same logic (as far as I can see). But
hare app is x3 time slowly than Dart.

import 'dart:io';

void main() {
  File inputFile = File('in.xml');
  List<String> lines = inputFile.readAsLinesSync();

  List<String> updatedLines = lines.map((line) =>
line.replaceAll('ns', '')).toList();

  File outputFile = File('out.xml');


use fmt;
use io;
use bufio;
use memio;
use os;
use fs;
use strings;
use types;
use encoding::utf8;

export fn main() void = {

   const new_file_buf = memio::dynamic();
   const new_file = os::create("out.xml", fs::mode::USER_RW)!;

   const file = os::open(os::args[1])!;
   const scanner = bufio::newscanner(file, types::SIZE_MAX);

   for(true) {
      let line = match(bufio::scan_line(&scanner)) {
         case let line: const str =>
                                    line = strings::replace(line, "ns", "");
                                    yield void;
         case io::EOF => break;

   io::write(new_file, memio::buffer(&new_file_buf))!;


What can be the reason?
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<CADVGtmvQyP1+yHcXpUJy6-f+HjQk-getLnwpJRsDErsXXHkRLw@mail.gmail.com> (view parent)
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Without profiling it myself, a few things come to mind.

- You are first writing everything to a memio buffer, then writing again 
to the output file. Why not just write straight out to a (consider 
buffered) output file?
- line = strings::replace(line, ...) is returning a new, freshly 
allocated string (that you leak). Allocations aren't free.
- I think your current solution removes newlines? Is that really what 
you want?
- If all you want to do is remove all "ns" from the input, one trick 
would be to bufio::scan_bytes(&scanner, ['n', 's']), then simply 
io::write it out.

This might be much quicker, but it might also just depend on your input 

use io;
use bufio;
use os;
use fs;
use types;

export fn main() void = {
	const new_file = os::create("out.xml", fs::mode::USER_RW)!;

	const file = os::open(os::args[1])!;
	const scanner = bufio::newscanner(file, types::SIZE_MAX);

	for(true) match(bufio::scan_bytes(&scanner, ['n', 's'])!) {
	case io::EOF =>
	case let line: []u8 =>
		io::write(new_file, line)!;

If that's not cutting it for you, then you have to break out a profiler. 
I have had luck with callgrind + hare.
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<6d2c9261-e98d-4e78-b220-52872535d506@spxtr.net> (view parent)
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i'm also not particularly pleased with hare's performance in general.
i brought this up in #hare-dev a few days ago, and i'm planning to write
something up for the hare-dev mailing list asp in the future, but i
suspect poor codegen for aggregate returns as being at the very least
the easiest next step for improving perf. i think triallax was looking
into that, feel free to reach out to him if you want to know more or
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