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[RFC PATCH himitsu] himtisu::query: rewrite the parser

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Patch: +345 -160
The old parser based on shlex::split had a few serious disadvantages:

* "x!!"=y and "x!"!=y produced the same result because shlex::split
  would split both of them as ["x!!=y"]. Though the first one is a
  public pair "x!!"="y", while the second is private pair "x!"="y".
  The same applies for '?'.

* Similar to the previous one, placing '=' inside a key is impossible
  because the parser can't distinguish between "a=b"=c and "a"="b=c"

* Keys were for some reason limited to the regex ^[-_A-Za-z]+$, which
  disallowed any non-ASCII characters as well as special characters
  such as '[' or ']'. This limitation prevented a lot of website
  credentials (e.g. GitLab) from being stored in a form useful to

* Newlines could not be supported because the only way to get a newline
  into shlex is provide a literal newline character, which was not
  possible because himitsu's protocol is line-oriented.

The new parser will no longer operate on slices of strings returned from
shlex::split (this is still supported via parse_items), but rather on
full strings. Word splitting will be done during parsing automatically.

The parser operates a smaller version of shlex::split that, will unwrap
any quotes and stop at unquoted '=', '!', '?' or unquoted whitespace
when parsing the key, then will parse the value until unquoted
whitespace. The backslash was also expanded to provide a literal
newline on "\n".

himitsu::query::quote is also provided for safe escaping of newlines.

The old parser was also used differently in different places. With the
new parser everything had to be unified:

* himitsud will parse input from clients as a query
* himitsu::client::next will automatically parse the query instead of
  returning a string
* hiq will use himitsu::client instead of its custom client
 cmd/himitsud/cmd.ha      |  70 ++++++-----
 cmd/hiq/main.ha          | 104 ++++++----------
 himitsu/client/client.ha |   7 +-
 himitsu/query/parse.ha   | 249 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 himitsu/query/unparse.ha |  65 +++++++++-
 secstore/serialize.ha    |  10 +-
 6 files changed, 345 insertions(+), 160 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cmd/himitsud/cmd.ha b/cmd/himitsud/cmd.ha
index 6bb9ec0..868052e 100644
--- a/cmd/himitsud/cmd.ha
+++ b/cmd/himitsud/cmd.ha
@@ -35,20 +35,30 @@ fn strerror(err: cmderror) const str = {

fn exec(serv: *server, client: *client, cmd: str) (void | servererror) = {
	// TODO: Better logging of client activity
	const args = match (shlex::split(cmd)) {
	case shlex::syntaxerr =>
	const q = match (query::parse_string(cmd)) {
	case let q: query::query =>
		yield q;
	case =>
		writefmt(client, "error Invalid command syntax");
	case let items: []str =>
		yield items;
	defer strings::freeall(args);
	if (len(args) == 0) {
	defer query::finish(&q);
	if (len(q.items) == 0) {
		writefmt(client, "error Invalid command syntax");

	const cmd = switch (args[0]) {
	// FIXME: this is not very good
	if (len(q.items[0].value) != 0 || q.items[0].private
			|| q.items[0].optional) {
		writefmt(client, "error Unknown command");
	const cmd = q.items[0].key;
	defer free(cmd);

	const cmd = switch (cmd) {
	case "add" =>
		yield &exec_add;
	case "del" =>
@@ -62,7 +72,7 @@ fn exec(serv: *server, client: *client, cmd: str) (void | servererror) = {

	match (cmd(serv, client, args)) {
	match (cmd(serv, client, &q)) {
	case let err: cmderror =>
		// XXX: Probably a harec bug
		match (err) {
@@ -79,7 +89,7 @@ fn exec(serv: *server, client: *client, cmd: str) (void | servererror) = {

fn exec_add(serv: *server, client: *client, args: []str) (void | cmderror) = {
fn exec_add(serv: *server, client: *client, q: *query::query) (void | cmderror) = {
	if (serv.store.state != secstore::state::UNLOCKED) {
		const prompter = prompt::newprompter(serv.conf.prompter[0],
@@ -91,10 +101,8 @@ fn exec_add(serv: *server, client: *client, args: []str) (void | cmderror) = {

	const q = query::parse_items(args[1..])?;
	defer query::finish(&q);
	// TODO: Prompt user to fill in incomplete keys
	let entry = secstore::add(serv.store, &q)!;
	let entry = secstore::add(serv.store, q)!;
	let buf = bufio::dynamic(io::mode::WRITE);
	fmt::fprint(&buf, "key ")?;
	secstore::write(serv.store, &buf, entry, false)?;
@@ -102,10 +110,7 @@ fn exec_add(serv: *server, client: *client, args: []str) (void | cmderror) = {
	write(client, bufio::buffer(&buf));

fn exec_del(serv: *server, client: *client, args: []str) (void | cmderror) = {
	const q = query::parse_items(args[1..])?;
	defer query::finish(&q);

fn exec_del(serv: *server, client: *client, q: *query::query) (void | cmderror) = {
	let buf = bufio::dynamic(io::mode::WRITE);

	let prompter: (prompt::prompter | void) = void;
@@ -119,7 +124,7 @@ fn exec_del(serv: *server, client: *client, args: []str) (void | cmderror) = {

	const iter = secstore::query(serv.store, &q);
	const iter = secstore::query(serv.store, q);
	let matches: []*secstore::entry = [];
	for (true) {
		const item = match (secstore::next(serv.store, &iter)) {
@@ -151,7 +156,7 @@ fn exec_del(serv: *server, client: *client, args: []str) (void | cmderror) = {

		secstore::del(serv.store, &q)!;
		secstore::del(serv.store, q)!;
	} else {
		match (prompter) {
		case let p: prompt::prompter =>
@@ -164,21 +169,15 @@ fn exec_del(serv: *server, client: *client, args: []str) (void | cmderror) = {
	writebuf(client, bufio::buffer(&buf));

fn exec_query(serv: *server, client: *client, args: []str) (void | cmderror) = {
	const cmd = getopt::parse(args,
		"query the key store",
		('d', "decrypt private keys"),
	defer getopt::finish(&cmd);

fn exec_query(serv: *server, client: *client, q: *query::query) (void | cmderror) = {
	let decrypt = false;
	for (let i = 0z; i < len(cmd.opts); i += 1) {
		switch (cmd.opts[i].0) {
		case 'd' =>
			decrypt = true;
		case => abort();
	// FIXME: this is not very good
	if (len(q.items) > 0 && q.items[0].key == "-d"
			&& len(q.items[0].value) == 0 && !q.items[0].private
			&& !q.items[0].optional) {
		decrypt = true;

	let prompter: (prompt::prompter | void) = void;
@@ -196,10 +195,7 @@ fn exec_query(serv: *server, client: *client, args: []str) (void | cmderror) = {
		prompter = new;

	const q = query::parse_items(cmd.args)?;
	defer query::finish(&q);

	const iter = secstore::query(serv.store, &q);
	const iter = secstore::query(serv.store, q);
	let matches: []*secstore::entry = [];
	for (true) {
		const item = match (secstore::next(serv.store, &iter)) {
@@ -249,7 +245,7 @@ fn exec_query(serv: *server, client: *client, args: []str) (void | cmderror) = {
	writebuf(client, bufio::buffer(&buf));

fn exec_quit(serv: *server, client: *client, args: []str) (void | cmderror) = {
fn exec_quit(serv: *server, client: *client, q: *query::query) (void | cmderror) = {
	if (!serv.daemonized) {
		writefmt(client, "error Server is not damonized, use a service manager");
diff --git a/cmd/hiq/main.ha b/cmd/hiq/main.ha
index 57e8f6d..cff4f8a 100644
--- a/cmd/hiq/main.ha
+++ b/cmd/hiq/main.ha
@@ -22,18 +22,15 @@ type flag = enum uint {

fn write_item(
	out: io::handle,
	items: str,
	q: *query::query,
	field: str
) (void | io::error) = {
	if (field == "") {
		fmt::fprintln(out, items)!;
		query::unparse(out, q)?;
	let items = shlex::split(items)!;
	defer strings::freeall(items);
	let query = query::parse_items(items)!;
	for (let i = 0z; i < len(query.items); i += 1) {
		let item = query.items[i];
	for (let i = 0z; i < len(q.items); i += 1) {
		let item = q.items[i];
		if (item.key != field) {
@@ -74,16 +71,11 @@ export fn main() void = {

	let buf = path::init()!;
	// TODO: Bubble up dirs::runtime errors
	const sockpath = path::set(&buf, dirs::runtime()!, "himitsu")!;
	let conn = match (unix::connect(sockpath)) {
	case let s: net::socket =>
		yield s;
	case errors::noentry =>
		fmt::fatal("error: himitsud connection failed (is it running?)");
	case let e: net::error =>
		fmt::fatal("error:", net::strerror(e));
	const conn = match (client::connect()) {
	case let socket: net::socket =>
		yield socket;
	case let err: client::error =>
		fmt::fatal("Error:", client::strerror(err));
	defer io::close(conn)!;

@@ -98,25 +90,28 @@ export fn main() void = {
				// NB. Can't defer free(line), causes a
				// use-after-free in fmt::fatal
				const line = strings::fromutf8(line)!;
				const query = match (shlex::split(line)) {
				case let q: []str =>
				const q = match (query::parse_string(line)) {
				case let q: query::query =>
					yield q;
				case =>
					fmt::fatal("Invalid query:", line);
				defer strings::freeall(query);
				defer query::finish(&q);

				send(conn, client::operation::ADD, flags, field, query);
				send(conn, client::operation::ADD, flags, field,
	} else {
		let query = alloc(cmd.args...);
		defer free(query);
		if (flags & flag::DECRYPT != 0) {
			insert(query[0], "-d");
		const q = match (query::parse_items(cmd.args)) {
		case let q: query::query =>
			yield q;
		case =>
			fmt::fatal("Invalid query"); // TODO
		send(conn, op, flags, field, query);
		defer query::finish(&q);
		send(conn, op, flags, field, &q);

@@ -125,50 +120,25 @@ fn send(
	op: client::operation,
	flags: flag,
	field: str,
	query: []str,
	q: *query::query,
) void = {
	fmt::fprint(conn, switch (op) {
	case client::operation::QUERY =>
		yield "query";
	case client::operation::ADD =>
		yield "add";
	case client::operation::DEL =>
		yield "del";
	case client::operation::QUIT =>
		yield "quit";
	for (let i = 0z; i < len(query); i += 1) {
		fmt::fprint(conn, " ")!;
		shlex::quote(conn, query[i])!;
	// TODO: error handling
	const client_flags: client::flags = if (flags & flag::DECRYPT != 0) {
		yield client::flags::DECRYPT;
	} else {
		yield 0;

	let buf = strio::dynamic();
	defer io::close(&buf)!;
	const iter = client::query(conn, op, q, client_flags)!;

	for (let n = 0; true; n += 1) match (bufio::scanline(conn)!) {
	case io::EOF => break;
	case let line: []u8 =>
		// NB. Can't defer free(line), causes a use-after-free in
		// fmt::fatal
		let resp = strings::fromutf8(line)!;
		let resp = strings::cut(resp, " ");
		switch (resp.0) {
		case "key" =>
			if (flags & flag::ONE != 0 && n > 0) {
				fmt::fatal("error: Ambiguous match");
			write_item(&buf, resp.1, field)!;
		case "error" =>
			fmt::fatal("error:", resp.1);
		case "end" =>
		case =>
	for (let n = 0; true; n += 1) match (client::next(&iter)) {
	case let resp: query::query =>
		if (flags & flag::ONE != 0 && n > 0) {
			fmt::fatal("error: Ambiguous match");
		write_item(os::stdout, &resp, field)!;
	case let err: client::error =>
		fmt::fatal("Error:", client::strerror(err));
	case void =>

diff --git a/himitsu/client/client.ha b/himitsu/client/client.ha
index 12fbe4a..12e5f9e 100644
--- a/himitsu/client/client.ha
+++ b/himitsu/client/client.ha
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ export fn query(
		fmt::fprint(&buf, "quit ")!;

	if (flags & flags::DECRYPT != 0) {
	if (op == operation::QUERY && flags & flags::DECRYPT != 0) {
		fmt::fprint(&buf, "-d ")!;

@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ export fn query(

// Returns the next key from a key iterator, or void if no further keys are
// provided.
export fn next(iter: *keyiter) (const str | void | error) = {
export fn next(iter: *keyiter) (query::query | void | error) = {
	match (bufio::scanline(iter.conn)?) {
	case let buf: []u8 =>
@@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ export fn next(iter: *keyiter) (const str | void | error) = {
		return strings::sub(string, 6, strings::end): hierror: error;
	if (strings::hasprefix(string, "key ")) {
		return strings::sub(string, 4, strings::end);
		return query::parse_string(
			strings::sub(string, 4, strings::end))!;
	abort("himitsu returned unexpected response");
diff --git a/himitsu/query/parse.ha b/himitsu/query/parse.ha
index 0bfec8c..ea11c2e 100644
--- a/himitsu/query/parse.ha
+++ b/himitsu/query/parse.ha
@@ -1,20 +1,9 @@
use bufio;
use encoding::utf8;
use fmt;
use io;
use regex;
use shlex;
use strings;
use fmt;

let keyre: regex::regex = regex::regex { ... };

@init fn init() void = {
	keyre = regex::compile(`^[-_A-Za-z]+$`)!;

@fini fn fini() void = {
use strio;

// A parsed Himitsu query.
export type query = struct {
@@ -36,51 +25,198 @@ export type invalid = !void;
// return value to [[finish]] when they are done with it.
export fn parse(in: io::handle) (query | invalid | io::error) = {
	const data = io::drain(in)?;
	const data = match (strings::fromutf8(data)) {
	defer free(data);
	match (strings::fromutf8(data)) {
	case let data: str =>
		yield data;
		return parse_string(data);
	case utf8::invalid =>
		return invalid;

	const items = match (shlex::split(data)) {
	case let items: []str =>
		yield items;
	case shlex::syntaxerr =>
		return invalid;
// Parses a query, returning its key/value pairs. The caller must pass the
// return value to [[finish]] when they are done with it.
export fn parse_string(in: str) (query | invalid) = {
	let query = query { ... };
	let iter = strings::iter(in);
	for (true) {
		match (parse_item(&iter, &query, false)?) {
		case void =>
		case io::EOF =>
	defer strings::freeall(items);
	return parse_items(items);
	return query;

// Parses a list of key/value pairs which has already been split with shlex (or
// a shell, for example when parsing a query from argv).
export fn parse_items(items: []str) (query | invalid) = {
	// XXX: Should do something about the case where the user specifies both
	// ? and !
	let query = query { ... };
	for (let i = 0z; i < len(items); i += 1) {
		const (key, value) = strings::cut(items[i], "=");
		let optional = false, private = false;
		if (strings::hassuffix(key, "!")) {
			private = true;
		const item = strings::trim(items[i]);
		if (len(item) == 0) {
		if (strings::hassuffix(key, "?")) {
		let iter = strings::iter(item);
		parse_item(&iter, &query, true)? as void;
	return query;

fn parse_item(
	iter: *strings::iterator,
	q: *query,
	split: bool,
) (void | io::EOF | invalid) = {
	// XXX: Should do something about the case where the user specifies both
	// ? and !
	const key = match (parse_value(iter, true, split)?) {
	case let s: str =>
		yield s;
	case io::EOF =>
		return io::EOF;
	let optional = false, private = false;
	match (strings::next(iter)) {
	case let r: rune =>
		switch (r) {
		case '!' =>
			private = true;
		case '?' =>
			optional = true;
		case =>
	case void =>
	const value = match (strings::next(iter)) {
	case let r: rune =>
		yield if (r == '=') {
			yield parse_value(iter, false, split)? as str;
		} else {
			yield "";
	case void =>
		yield "";

	append(q.items, pair {
		key = key,
		value = value,
		private = private,
		optional = optional,

fn parse_value(
	iter: *strings::iterator,
	key: bool,
	split: bool,
) (str | io::EOF | invalid) = {
	if (!split) for (true) match (strings::next(iter)) {
	case let r: rune =>
		if (r != ' ' && r != '\t') {
	case =>

	const buf = strio::dynamic();
	defer io::close(&buf)!;
	for (true) {
		const r = match (strings::next(iter)) {
		case let r: rune =>
			yield r;
		case void =>
			if (key && len(strio::string(&buf)) == 0) {
				return io::EOF;
		key = strings::trim(key, '?', '!');
		if (!regex::test(&keyre, key)) {
		switch (r) {
		case '!', '?', '=' =>
			if (key) {
			} else {
				return invalid;
		case ' ', '\t' =>
			if (split) {
				strio::appendrune(&buf, r)!;
			} else {
		case '\\' =>
			scan_backslash(&buf, iter)?;
		case '"' =>
			scan_double(&buf, iter)?;
		case '\'' =>
			scan_single(&buf, iter)?;
		case =>
			strio::appendrune(&buf, r)!;
	if (key && len(strio::string(&buf)) == 0) {
		return io::EOF;
	return strings::dup(strio::string(&buf));

fn scan_double(out: io::handle, iter: *strings::iterator) (void | invalid) = {
	for (true) {
		const r = match (strings::next(iter)) {
		case let r: rune =>
			yield r;
		case void =>
			return invalid;

		append(query.items, pair {
			key = strings::dup(key),
			value = strings::dup(value),
			private = private,
			optional = optional,
		switch (r) {
		case '"' =>
		case '\\' =>
			scan_backslash(out, iter)?;
		case =>
			strio::appendrune(out, r)!;

fn scan_backslash(out: io::handle, iter: *strings::iterator) (void | invalid) = {
	const r = match (strings::next(iter)) {
	case let r: rune =>
		yield r;
	case void =>
		return invalid;
	if (r == 'n') {
		strio::appendrune(out, '\n')!;
	} else {
		strio::appendrune(out, r)!;

fn scan_single(out: io::handle, iter: *strings::iterator) (void | invalid) = {
	for (true) {
		const r = match (strings::next(iter)) {
		case let r: rune =>
			yield r;
		case void =>
			return invalid;

		if (r == '\'') {
		strio::appendrune(out, r)!;
	return query;

// Frees resources associated with this query.
@@ -102,21 +238,33 @@ export fn finish(q: *query) void = {
			("foo", "", false, true),
			("bar", "baz", true, false),
		(`query -d `, [
			("query", "", false, false),
			("-d", "", false, false),
		(`user[email]=me@test.org 'user=password'!=hunter2`, [
			("user[email]", "me@test.org", false, false),
			("user=password", "hunter2", true, false),
		(`user[email]=me@test.org 'user=password'!=hunter2`, [
			("user[email]", "me@test.org", false, false),
			("user=password", "hunter2", true, false),
		(`Êmail²=hunter@example.org 'Späced password'!=nothunter2`, [
			("Êmail²", "hunter@example.org", false, false),
			("Späced password", "nothunter2", true, false),

	for (let i = 0z; i < len(cases); i += 1) {
		const expected = cases[i].1;
		const input = cases[i].0;
		const input = bufio::fixed(strings::toutf8(input),

		const result = parse(&input)!;
		const result = parse_string(cases[i].0)!;
		defer finish(&result);

		assert(len(expected) == len(result.items));
		for (let j = 0z; j < len(result.items); j += 1) {
			const got = result.items[i];
			const expect = &expected[i];
			const got = result.items[j];
			const expect = &expected[j];
			assert(got.key == expect.0);
			assert(got.value == expect.1);
			assert(got.private == expect.2);
@@ -124,3 +272,14 @@ export fn finish(q: *query) void = {

@test fn query_parse_split() void = {
	const result = parse_items([`Spaced password!=nothunter2`])!;
	defer finish(&result);

	assert(len(result.items) == 1);
	assert(result.items[0].key == "Spaced password");
	assert(result.items[0].value == "nothunter2");
diff --git a/himitsu/query/unparse.ha b/himitsu/query/unparse.ha
index d0a8c74..05167e5 100644
--- a/himitsu/query/unparse.ha
+++ b/himitsu/query/unparse.ha
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
use ascii;
use encoding::utf8;
use fmt;
use io;
use shlex;
use strings;
use strio;

// Converts a Himitsu query into a string, including a newline, and writes it to
// the given I/O handle.
@@ -9,7 +12,7 @@ export fn unparse(sink: io::handle, q: *query) (size | io::error) = {
	for (let i = 0z; i < len(q.items); i += 1) {
		const pair = &q.items[i];

		z += fmt::fprintf(sink, "{}", pair.key)?;
		z += quote(sink, pair.key)?;

		if (pair.private) {
			z += fmt::fprintf(sink, "!")?;
@@ -19,7 +22,7 @@ export fn unparse(sink: io::handle, q: *query) (size | io::error) = {
		if (pair.value != "") {
			z += fmt::fprintf(sink, "=")?;
			z += shlex::quote(sink, pair.value)?;
			z += quote(sink, pair.value)?;

		if (i + 1 < len(q.items)) {
@@ -29,3 +32,59 @@ export fn unparse(sink: io::handle, q: *query) (size | io::error) = {
	z += fmt::fprintln(sink)?;
	return z;

// Quotes a string for [[parse]] and writes it to the provided [[io::handle]].
export fn quote(sink: io::handle, s: str) (size | io::error) = {
	if (len(s) == 0) {
		return io::writeall(sink, strings::toutf8(`''`))?;
	if (is_safe(s)) {
		return io::writeall(sink, strings::toutf8(s))?;

	let z = io::writeall(sink, ['\''])?;

	const iter = strings::iter(s);
	for (true) {
		const rn = match (strings::next(&iter)) {
		case let rn: rune =>
			yield rn;
		case void =>

		if (rn == '\'') {
			z += io::writeall(sink, strings::toutf8(`'"'"'`))?;
		} else if (rn == '\n') {
			z += io::writeall(sink, strings::toutf8(`'"\n"'`))?;
		} else {
			z += io::writeall(sink, utf8::encoderune(rn))?;

	z += io::writeall(sink, ['\''])?;
	return z;

fn is_safe(s: str) bool = {
	const iter = strings::iter(s);
	for (true) {
		const rn = match (strings::next(&iter)) {
		case let rn: rune =>
			yield rn;
		case void =>

		switch (rn) {
		case '@', '%', '+', '=', ':', ',', '.', '/', '-' =>
		case =>
			if (!ascii::isalnum(rn) || ascii::isspace(rn)
					|| rn == '\n') {
				return false;
	return true;
diff --git a/secstore/serialize.ha b/secstore/serialize.ha
index 99e6fa7..a9cc4b6 100644
--- a/secstore/serialize.ha
+++ b/secstore/serialize.ha
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
use bytes;
use crypto;
use crypto::keystore;
use crypto;
use encoding::base64;
use errors;
use fmt;
use fs;
use himitsu::query;
use io;
use os;
use path;
use shlex;
use strio;
use uuid;

@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ export fn write(
	// TODO: https://todo.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/hare/619
	for (let i = 0z; i < len(ent.pairs); i += 1) {
		const pair = &ent.pairs[i];
		shlex::quote(sink, pair.key)?;
		query::quote(sink, pair.key)?;
		match (pair.value) {
		case let val: str =>
			fmt::fprint(sink, "=")?;
			shlex::quote(sink, val)?;
			query::quote(sink, val)?;
		case let u: uuid::uuid =>
			fmt::fprint(sink, "!")?;
			if (private) {
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ export fn write(
				let buf = strio::dynamic();
				defer io::close(&buf)!;
				write_private(store, &buf, u)?;
				shlex::quote(sink, strio::string(&buf))?;
				query::quote(sink, strio::string(&buf))?;
		if (i + 1 < len(ent.pairs)) {
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