Allow specifying a custom address for the socket. I chose the `-a` flag
simply because it matches with ssh-agent.
The default path remains the same.
I also removed some TODOs for hissh-agent to fork itself. Daemons
shouldn't fork themselves; this breaks service supervision. For
scenarios where this is necessary, there exist plenty of methods
to force a process into background without every daemon implementing
this itself.
cmd/hissh-agent/main.ha | 31 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/cmd/hissh-agent/main.ha b/cmd/hissh-agent/main.ha
index f38d499..6f61c04 100644
--- a/cmd/hissh-agent/main.ha+++ b/cmd/hissh-agent/main.ha
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ use errors;
use fmt;
use format::ssh;
use fs;
+use getopt;use himitsu::client;
use himitsu::query;
use himitsu::remember;
@@ -30,12 +31,32 @@ type server = struct {
export fn main() void = {
- // TODO: Parse options (foreground/background, socket path)- // TODO: Fork to background- const path = path::init()!;- path::set(&path, dirs::runtime()!, "hissh-agent")!;+ const cmd = getopt::parse(os::args,+ "hissh import",+ ('a', "address", "bind to the unix-domain socket address"),+ );+ defer getopt::finish(&cmd);++ let address: (str | void) = void;+ for (let i = 0z; i < len(cmd.opts); i += 1) {+ const opt = cmd.opts[i];+ switch (opt.0) {+ case 'a' =>+ address = strings::dup(opt.1);+ case =>+ fmt::fatalf("unknown option");+ };+ };++ const sockpath = match (address) {+ case let s: str =>+ yield s;+ case void =>+ const path = path::init()!;+ path::set(&path, dirs::runtime()!, "hissh-agent")!;+ yield path::string(&path);+ };- const sockpath = path::string(&path); const socket = match (unix::listen(sockpath)) {
case let sock: net::socket =>
yield sock;
Just yesterday I was trying to figure out why and if we need to fork it.
Thanks for the clarification :).
0cf03a1..09b33fe master -> master