Hey there. When I was looking at your list of mail clients, I couldn't easily tell, outside the recommended ones, which ones support viewing emails in plain text. For example, Apple Mail only supports composing in plain text, while Fastmail supports both composing and viewing in plain text, which is what I've been looking for. Have you considered adding "View in plaintext" as a column in the breakdown section?
- Rob
What do you mean? Prioritising text/plain over text/html if both are
available? Only showing plaintext? Showing the email in a terminal?
Converting non-plaintext emails into plain text?
I think every mail client can at least *view* plain text emails. At
least, I've never heard of an email client that can't. Please correct
me if I'm wrong on that.
Kind regards,
> What do you mean? Prioritising text/plain over text/html if both are available?
Yes, this. Sorry, I didn’t say that very well. In Apple Mail, there’s no way to choose to see the plain text version of an email (without viewing the raw source), let alone to make that the default. In Fastmail you can easily switch between the two and also set plain text as the default when viewing.
- Rob
> I'd prefer not to add another column, but we could add this as one of> the criteria for our recommended clients. Send patch?
I assume it already is in the criteria for the recommended clients, most of which are TUIs. If it’s not something we’d note for the other clients then I don’t think there’s anything to do.