"Sam Whited" <sam@samwhited.com> writes:
> If by "failed" you mean "Google Talk doesn't use it anymore", fine, it
> failed, but otherwise it seems to be succeeding quite well.
I've been using it with bitlbee for 15 years or so. I'm one of the "pry
my IRC client from my cold dead fingers" types. I don't see any
problem with XMPP and wish it would get wider adoption.
I think Google Talk may even still support it but in non-federated
mode. I don't know anymore; I stopped using it last year when they
started blocking my attempts to sign in with bitlbee. Facebook
Messenger used to use it, and they ditched it completely. The megacorps
ditched it when they decided they didn't need interoperability for their
closed "ecosystems".
PS. Responding to another point from the article, you can have
end-to-end encryption in IRC with OTR. It's usable in at least pidgin
and irssi, and probably other places too. It just works for one-on-one
chat though. I use it daily. I'm sad it doesn't work with erc in emacs,
but apparently not sad enough to do something about it.
Chris Brannon
Founder: Blind and Low Vision Unix Users Group (https://blvuug.org/).
Personal website: (https://the-brannons.com/)
Chat: IRC: teiresias on freenode, XMPP: chris@chat.number89.net