Hello, Do you know a way to 'render' a html email into plain text.
Mutt seems to do exactly what I would like to do with incoming html
emails and then I would like to be able to open it in Common Desktop
Environment (CDE)'s mailier program. CDE is a unix windows manager.
Pandoc is one way to translate an HTML body to text:
pandoc -f html -t plain
You can also reference aerc which has an HTML filter that uses w3m:
May 8, 2022 11:09:35 Matthew Johnson <johns945@gmail.com>:
> Hello, Do you know a way to 'render' a html email into plain text.
> Mutt seems to do exactly what I would like to do with incoming html
> emails and then I would like to be able to open it in Common Desktop
> Environment (CDE)'s mailier program. CDE is a unix windows manager.
> -Matthew