Hi Drew
You really hit it out of the park with your latest post. Certainly
made my recent efforts look like childish scribbling by
comparison..But you left a key consequence of the problem implied but
not stated.
That is in the free software world, our failure of imagination on
accessibility leads the very people who could improve the situations
you identified to be excluded from our communities in practice.You
always say `do what your interested in`,
And solving accessibility problems created for me by the rest of
the FOSS community seems to be my interest, one of the major ones
anyway. I might write a blog post on this myself. But I just thought
i'd mention it to you first
Once again, great job having someone as high profile as you put the
case so well gives me hope that someday installing a distro won't be a
two day affair.
I suppose another way of stating this is "free software is mainly good
at making the things its authors are interested in, so we should get
free software authors interested in accessibility". Which is a great