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What happened to your fosstodon account?

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Slightly worried about the sudden disappearance of your fosstodon
account. Miss you there. What happened?
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<D6168CAS5F8B.1URG7ST39JXP8@posteo.de> (view parent)
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Oh, everything's fine, no worries. Maybe I should have posted some kind
of notice before deleting the account so that it didn't worry anyone.

I had been experimenting with BlueSky after hearing more about their
federation model and the extent to which it was made open source. I
concluded that I wasn't all that into it but more broadly I realized
that I wasn't really getting anything out of social media generally,
including the fediverse, so when I deleted my BlueSky account I also
went ahead and took that down, too.

I think that a write-only feed publishing micro-updates on the cool
stuff I'm working on is interesting and useful though so I have set up a
replacement for that here if you want to follow that:


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<D6394TK79EMY.37CV9WN07IDNC@cmpwn.com> (view parent)
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On 4 December 2024 22:59:08 CET, Drew DeVault <sir@cmpwn.com> wrote:
>Oh, everything's fine, no worries. 

Good to hear!

> Maybe I should have posted some kind
>of notice before deleting the account so that it didn't worry anyone.

To be frank, a notice would probably have helped a lot: I had really appreciated your recent book rec for House of Suns, great read. And, if memory serves, even greater thread, which appears to have disappeared into oblivion now. I had counted on revisiting the other book recs there, now that I am finished with Reynolds. I crave more of the same, just as you yourself did. Do you perchance have some sort of backup of the other recommendations? Would be much obliged...
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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<81300EE1-77A8-4D76-930A-B2224257E937@posteo.de> (view parent)
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Hm, I'm afraid not, I didn't take a backup. Sorry! It didn't occur to me
that anyone would be depending on these posts to be reliable.
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<D6394TK79EMY.37CV9WN07IDNC@cmpwn.com> (view parent)
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On Wed Dec 4, 2024 at 3:59 PM CST, Drew DeVault wrote:
> I think that a write-only feed publishing micro-updates on the cool
> stuff I'm working on is interesting and useful though so I have set up a
> replacement for that here if you want to follow that:
> https://devlog.drewdevault.com/

yay! I don't actually have an activitypub account, but I enjoyed
checking on your page once and a while to see the things you were up to,
so it's nice to see you've made a replacement.
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