
Re: Keyword expansion

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Uwe Brauer wrote:
>    >> 
>    >> > Is it possible to switch on keyword expansion in the hg.sr.ht Web
>    >> > interface?
>    >> 
>    >> I doubt it -- the extension is marked as a "feature of last resort" and,
>    >> actually, I had never heard of it until just now :)
>    > I, on the contrary, have been addicted to this feature since RCS/CVS
>    > times, for 20+ years. It is very convenient IMHO to have the file
>    > version, last modification date etc updated for you automatically.
>    > Moreover, when I maintained the tomsk.ru geographical domain, I found it
>    > convenient to have even the $Log$ copied to zone files.
>    >> 
>    >> Even if we made it into an advanced setting on a per-repo basis, it
>    >> would probably not be very practical since you would need to copy/paste
>    >> your configuration into the web UI, and keep copy/pasting every time you
>    >> changed it locally.
>    > Maybe you are right. Can you suggest a commit script which would
>    > modify files in my working directory to insert the last modification
>    > date etc into the text files under Mercurial control?
> I am a bit confused I use keyword expansion for a long time (mostly for
> LaTeX files) and don't rely on the web interface of bitbucket or other
> services.

Actually, my question consisted of 2 separate thoughts. I'll separate
them for clarity:

1. I don't rely on the web interface of bitbucket or sourcehut for
keyword expansion. I just want to see my keywords expanded in the Web
interface, just like I see them expanded in the working copy. At
present I just see $Date$ in the Web interface instead of 
$Date: 2019/08/28 04:07:14 $

2. If keyword expansion is a "feature of last resort", as I'm told,
maybe it's time for me to look for a replacement? Some commit script
which would modify files in my working directory? I did not particularly
like what I read in https://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/VersioningWithMake
because I mostly work with texts, and I don't use make even with LaTeX
files, I just run "pdflatex main.tex"

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
2:5005/49@fidonet http://vas.tomsk.ru/
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