I've got a question about how the builds.sr.ht integration is supposed
to work. I have a repository that has some yml files in the .builds/
directory, and it works fine for me when pushing code to git.sr.ht. That
is, build jobs are created and started on builds.sr.ht when I push.
If I have a collaborator who is working with a clone of the code in
their own git.sr.ht repository, are the automatic build jobs supposed
to be started when they push? From man.sr.ht:
> git.sr.ht will automatically submit builds for you if you store a> manifest in the repository as .build.yml. Each time you push, a> build with this manifest will be submitted. If the repo you pushed> to is present in the manifest's sources array, we'll edit it to point> to the ref you just pushed.
Does the phrase "If the repo you pushed to is present in the manifest's
sources array" mean that my collaborator does not get the benefit of
the automatic job creation, because the URL of the repo in the manifest
does not match their repo URL they just pushed to?
Please help me clarify my understanding of how this feature is intended
to work.
git.sr.ht rewrites the clone URLs on submission to match whichever repo
it was pushed to. So when your collaborator pushes to their repo, the
clone URL will be rewritten and the job will build their code. However,
any secrets you've included in your manifest will not be added to their
build environment.
March 17, 2020 11:08 AM, "Drew DeVault" <sir@cmpwn.com> wrote:
> git.sr.ht rewrites the clone URLs on submission to match whichever repo> it was pushed to. So when your collaborator pushes to their repo, the> clone URL will be rewritten and the job will build their code. However,> any secrets you've included in your manifest will not be added to their> build environment.
Ok, sounds reasonable. I don't have any build secrets, so that's not an
issue. I've just had reports that some pushes to their repo does not trigger
build jobs to be created. I don't have much visibility into why this might
be happening, so I was looking at the docs to try to find a reason.
What are the possible reasons that build jobs might not be created, or
alternately what are the conditions where the build jobs *are* created?
March 17, 2020 11:28 AM, "Drew DeVault" <sir@cmpwn.com> wrote:
> I can help you if you share a link to your repo? There's a lot of> different ways it gets messed up.
Sure, I'll take this off-list for diagnostics.