Hi there, I don't know whether it's an aftermath of the outage, but I
got an issue from the tests pushing on one of my repos:
remote: Build started:
remote: https://builds.sr.ht/~tfardet/job/1131978 [.build.yml]
remote: Error sending webhook: Post
"https://sr.ht/webhooks/git-repo/13453": context deadline exceeded
(Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
To git.sr.ht:~tfardet/OrgMatt
f7eb778..afeda4b main -> main
And the build shows "success" but does not seem to be able to fetch the
logs (Error fetching logs for task "None"):
Anyways, I'm glad things are almost normal again, congrats to the team
for sorting all this out.
I was seeing these messages just now as well, also while pushing to
repos that don't have any .build.yml. For the one that triggered a
build, I was able to see the log (but it's quite short).