What is the current status of mirror capabilities in sr.ht ? I am
interested in particular on hosting a mirror of public git
repositories in sr.ht. Automatically pushing to remotes would be nice,
Cayetano Santos
GnuPG Key: https://meta.sr.ht/~csantosb.pgp
FingerPrint: CCB8 1842 F9D7 058E CD67 377A BF5C DF4D F6BF 6682
We don't offer this as a first-class feature, but one easy solution is
to set multiple push urls for an origin locally.
git remote set-url --add origin <some-url>
You can do this any number of times and git push will push to many
remotes. You could also push to a mirror via a builds.sr.ht job, or use
the mirroring functionality of the second platform.