Something I've found very useful for keeping build minutes down on any CI provider is checking what paths have changed and depending on that go ahead with the rest of the pipeline, or abort early (but still mark as success). Some providers have this natively, others require a bit of scripting, but as builds currently work I don't see a way of doing this natively.
Curious if anyone has found a way around this, or would also find a feature like this useful - whether it be native support for marking a job as successful and cancel it, or filtering by paths changed (given the feel of builds I think the former is more fitting).
- g
Not implemented, but you could compare HEAD and origin/HEAD. If they
differ, it's a patch series and you can just list the changed files per
commit in between. Otherwise you can probably assume that you can do a
Moritz Poldrack
On 2023-04-25 11:44, Gabriel Simmer wrote:
> Something I've found very useful for keeping build minutes down on any > CI provider is checking what paths have changed and depending on that > go ahead with the rest of the pipeline, or abort early (but still mark > as success). Some providers have this natively, others require a bit of > scripting, but as builds currently work I don't see a way of doing this > natively.
There was a discussion just a couple of days ago about this exact
I maintain my opinion I mentioned somewhere in there: good Make targets
that have proper sources will speed your pipeline in the exact way you