git.sr.ht has been returning this[0] 502 the last couple hours {builds,todo,lists,man,dispatch,meta}.sr.ht are all okay [0] https://jamsek.dev/resources/pub/tmp/git_sr_ht.png
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>{builds,todo,lists,man,dispatch,meta}.sr.ht are all okay
hg.sr.hr return this too
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I noticed this first when trying to push to git.sr.ht, so just also confirming that it's more than just the front end. Unfortunately the status page at https://status.sr.ht/ says everything is operational, and incidentally the status page doesn't llist hg.sr.ht, although I don't know if that's already raised somewhere.
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Spoke too soon. They're back up!
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It's back up now. Sorry about that. There was a short blip in's DNS service, and the workers couldn't look up the database address. After enough failures they gave up and stayed down. Long-term fix was to make sure secondary DNS resolvers are configured on all of our boxen.