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Re: Template repositories

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> You can write a script to do that and then commit the boilerplate
> files.

So, I urge the user to run that script through my README?

Also, wouldn't that limit the user to using SourceHut for their
new repository?

Re: Template repositories

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<Vgyrgaz3MmE6uHhCF76L3KiFxIEgSjtxbOym-lO6cjmd7vSWS9-ymfBOx3VqIlRnV2WFvasc4rC0oVSUfnFNmvUyEnUv5J3zPxTZZ1Ps0nk=@proton.me> (view parent)
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>> You can write a script to do that and then commit the boilerplate
>> files.
> So, I urge the user to run that script through my README?

See what would work best for you. One idea could be having a repository with a
sample script, invite users to clone your repository, configure this script and
then run it to configure their own repository on Sourcehut.

Something like this (not tested):



mkdir newproject && cd newproject
echo "# New project" > README.md
# create other files if you want
git init . && git add . && git commit -m init
git push git@git.sr.ht:$SRHT_USERNAME/$SRHT_REPO_NAME
git push -o description="Description of the repository" -o visibility=PUBLIC
echo DONE

> Also, wouldn't that limit the user to using SourceHut for their
> new repository?

Since Sourcehut does not support repository templates then, yes, such a script
would be an ad-hoc workaround just for Sourcehut (sorry maybe I didn't understand
your question)

Re: Template repositories

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<Vgyrgaz3MmE6uHhCF76L3KiFxIEgSjtxbOym-lO6cjmd7vSWS9-ymfBOx3VqIlRnV2WFvasc4rC0oVSUfnFNmvUyEnUv5J3zPxTZZ1Ps0nk=@proton.me> (view parent)
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Perhaps I don't fully understand the GH feature. To me this is a matter of
a git repository with a pruned main branch and/or links to release .tar.gz

You could have a repo that you maintain and in the readme have a curl command
that will fetch the archive/release tarball from SourceHut. Something like:

curl -L https://git.sr.ht/~user/project/archive/release-tag.tar.gz |
gunzip | tar xv
cd project && git init

Re: Template repositories

Priyanshu Tripathi <getpsyched@nksss.live>
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<CAE8ppD5BxgHPXC1Zx1wsJ2WbasPhG91oSdpqEVu5Pnz7M-Ke0A@mail.gmail.com> (view parent)
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That sounds like exactly what I needed! Thanks, you guys. Sorry for the 
late response; I was figuring out why my replies were creating new threads.
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