Hey there!
> This might be something we build in the future. The only thing that worries me here is the extra load on the database.
This does not necessarily have to increase the database load that much (or at all) if one would implement it through client side search. AFAIK many blogs implemented through static site generators already use that tactic, and thus there are plenty of options to choose from, https://lunrjs.com/ being seemingly a popular one. That could be implemented by generating a full index as a hourly service, or at runtime similar to how RSS feeds are generated. In theory one could even abuse the RSS feed itself for that purpose, as it contains every blog entry with its contents.
On Wed, 1 Feb 2023, at 16:49, Merlin Scholz wrote:
> This does not necessarily have to increase the database load that much
> (or at all) if one would implement it through client side search. AFAIK
> many blogs implemented through static site generators already use that
> tactic, and thus there are plenty of options to choose from,
> https://lunrjs.com/ being seemingly a popular one. That could be
> implemented by generating a full index as a hourly service, or at
> runtime similar to how RSS feeds are generated. In theory one could
> even abuse the RSS feed itself for that purpose, as it contains every
> blog entry with its contents.
lunrjs et al seem very interesting. I've noticed them in
websites and they seem to provide a pretty good experiences.
We could even use the one-page export endpoint to use for
index-building. The only thing that worries me is that they
are JavaScript based.
But it's definitely a potentially interesting solution,
will keep an eye and mind on it!