
Re: Small question about the "My personal C coding style as of late 2023" article

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> I meant the `countof(a)` macro

As mentioned earlier in the article, one goal is to use signed sizes as 
much as possible, with usize only for special cases, mainly in external, 
conventional interfaces (e.g. the VirtualAlloc prototype near the end). I 
believe unsigned size_t was a major misstep in the design of C. We should 
use ptrdiff_t instead, and sizeof/alignof/etc. should have evaluated to 
ptrdiff_t. Many defects over the decades could have been avoided with this 
small change. Occasionally unsigned sizes are needed, particularly in 
embedded and kernel work, to operate on quantities near the size of an 
address space, but these are unusual, special cases. The common cases 
shouldn't pay for it.

Size calculations are hazardous ([1], [2]), and the frequent use of sizeof 
in typical C (with malloc, realloc, etc.) is a common defect source. For 
this reason, language design has universally moved away from manually 
computing sizes, e.g. C++ operator new. It's pushed behind the scenes 
where it can be performed carefully and correctly. That's what I've done 
with my new() macro, so that normal code isn't operating on sizes, just 

With size calculations moved into specialized code, there's little need 
for the sizeof operator aside from computing array lengths, which is where 
countof() comes in. By casting the result to a signed size, I can nip that 
little language design flaw, and unsigned sizes practically disappear. One 
less thing to worry about.

(Side note: Early this year I eventually settled on iz for ptrdiff_t and 
uz for size_t/uintptr_t. They're concise, non-conflicting, and reflect the 
new integer suffixes in C23 and C++23. My article won't change because it 
snapshots where my thinking was in 2023.)

[1]: https://nullprogram.com/blog/2024/05/24/
[2]: https://nullprogram.com/blog/2017/07/19/
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