

Let's write a setjmp

Steadman Dillroper <dillstead@gmail.com>
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Hi Chris,

I ported your set/longjmp to ARM and as expected it took < 1/2 hour to
port and run a few quick tests:

I have a bare metal threading implementation complete with custom
implementations for whatever standard library features I need and this
will fit in nicely.  It'll allow me to port over David Hanson's
exception framework from his "C Interfaces and Implementations" book:

I'm not sure how familiar you are with ARM assembly but I figured I'd
share a few details with you.

The procedure calls standard for ARM specifies 9 non-volatile
registers r4 - r8, r10, r11, and SP (r13).  In addition I preserve the
LR (link register r14) which contains the return address when the
program executes a branch instruction to call a function.  I noticed
that the return address is pushed on the stack in your x86 code.

Also, the assembler provides a nice pseudo-instruction to push/pop a
range of registers given a base address:
  stm r0, { r4-r11, sp, lr }

I played around a bit with the returns-twice function attribute, and
indeed I was able to break the program pretty easily when I removed it
and only stored SP and LR in the jmp buf.  Examining the difference in
the assembly code for main with and without the attribute showed what
I expected to see.  Without the attribute it kept a non-volatile local
variable in a non-volatile register across calls and as soon as I
added back the attribute the compiler made sure to save and restore
that variable from the stack.

I wonder if I could get away with no-return and only storing two
registers into the jmp buf, SP and LR?


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<CAOJH3v5rbc1GNQyVNgfo0Qq+iChUmHMUDBWkKpcnmX7+9pVwKA@mail.gmail.com> (view parent)
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Very nice! I'm far less familiar with ARM, especially ARM32, so thanks for 
the explanation. The stm and ldm mnemonics make it really simple!

One small thing, which I noticed myself but then was surprised to see GCC 
warn about, is that the arena should have your jmp_buf, not a GCC built-in 

--- a/arm_setjmp.c
+++ b/arm_setjmp.c
@@ -39,3 +39,3 @@ struct arena
     size_t off;
     -    void *jmp_buf[5];
     +    jmp_buf jmp_buf;

> I wonder if I could get away with no-return and only storing two 
> registers into the jmp buf, SP and LR?

I suggest compiling some programs using __builtin_{setjmp,longjmp} to see 
how GCC or Clang does it using only 3 saves (I think?). My understanding 
is that it effectively stores part of the jmp_buf on the stack at the call 
site, which it finds through the saved stack pointer.
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