Nice trick. Though my problem with this is that this effectively forces you to
have a "string builder" set of utilities that's separate from the buffered IO
layer - despite string building and buffered IO being the same thing - just
differing by the /destination/. E.g: I need to have both of the following:
concat_int(Arena *a, Str s, intmax_t n);
out_int(Out *out, intmax_t n);
And so on and so forth for float, hex etc. You can make it so that out*
and concat* both operate only on strings, and then have a T-to-str set
of functions. Though ergonomics suffers in this approach:
concat(&arena, str, int_to_str(n));
out(&stdout, int_to_str(n));
Here's an idea that I've had for a long time: it's flexible, but requires a
fair bit of boilerplate as a cost (which is mainly why I haven't used it in any
of my actual projects yet). Instead of defining a `out_flush()` function,
simply embed a flush function pointer into the Out object whos job is to either
make more space or set the err field failing that.
typedef struct Out {
u8 *buf, *off, *end; // buffer related vars
intptr_t dest; // unix fd, windows HANDLE or an `Arena *` as a string-building base
void (*flush)(struct Out *);
int err;
} Out;
In the case of usual buffered IO, the flush pointer would be set to some
function which just flushes the buffer through `os_write` and resets `out->off`
back to the beginning.
In case of string building, `dest` would be an arena pointer and the flush
function would grow the buffer. Most likely case is that you'd want to grow it
transparently - in-place if possible otherwise copy. But the interface is
flexible enough that you can do other stuff too:
* Lock up the entire arena and make the flush function unconditionally call
abort() if reached.
* Make the flush function allocate with SOFT_FAIL flag set so that it can avoid
aborting if arena runs out of space and instead set the err field.
... and probably a couple other niche use cases. And the cool part is
that you can have multiple of these flushing strategies in the same
program in parallel, just create different Out objects with different
flush pointer.
But since most of my string building usually happens in close
Out mem = out_memstream(&arena);
out_str(&mem, a);
out_int(&mem, n);
out_str(&mem, S("\n"));
Str s = out_memstream_finish(&mem, &arena);
... I'm usually not worried about other allocations being interleaved
and can afford to simply lock up the entire arena which is less
boilerplate than using flush function pointer.
Re: Arenas and the almighty concatenation operator
Another thing that I realized is that doing in-place expansion is very
much UB if you're using `malloc + alloc_size` attribute in your
// uses arena_alloc() to allocate the string buffer
static Str str_dup(Arena *a, Str s);
static Str
str_cat(Arena *a, Str head, Str tail)
u8 *hend = (head.len > 0) ? head.s + head.len : NULL;
if (hend != a->beg) {
head = str_dup(a, head);
ASSERT(head.s + head.len == a->beg);
head.len += str_dup(a, tail).len;
return head;
As far as the compiler is concerned, the 1st and 2nd str_dup() are two
separate allocations. And C standard is fairly clear that going out of
bound - even if there's guarantee that a valid object exists there - is
UB. From C11 Annex J
| An array subscript is out of range, even if an object is apparently
| accessible with the given subscript (as in the lvalue expression a[1][7]
| given the declaration int a[4][5])
If you don't use malloc+alloc_size attribute in your allocator, then
it doesn't matter. But if you do, then I think you need another function
which has the alloc_size attribute but NOT the malloc attribute (since
it might do in-place expansion) which tells the compiler about the size
change. A very simple way to do it:
__attribute(( alloc_size(3) ))
static void *arena_newsize(Arena *a, void *ptr, Size newsize)
ASSERT((u8 *)ptr + newsize == a->beg);
return ptr;
The function doesn't do anything, except tell the compiler about the new
size of the object. So you'd stick it in after the expansion:
head.len += str_dup(a, tail).len;
+ head.s = arena_newsize(a, head.s, head.len);
I'm not sure if how much of this applies to your C++ code in the
article, but this might be worth mentioning for your C readers.
Re: Arenas and the almighty concatenation operator
> a "string builder" set of utilities that's separate from the buffered IO > layer
True, and I was sort of assuming there would be some way to reconcile
these systems behind the scenes with minimal duplication, which is of
course what you're aiming at in the rest of your message. Appending a
string to buffered output — which involves accepting maybe a portion,
flushing, accepting another portion, etc. — is a bit different than plain
concatenation, so there's not much duplication, but duplicating individual
type formatters would be a poor solution.
> embed a flush function pointer
You may recall u-config has a system like this. Rather than a full-blown
function pointer, the "file descriptor" encodes the destination much like
your idea, and the "virtual" dispatch is a switch on the value. It locks
the whole arena, like your first option, though it could just as well grow
the backing buffer on demand, allowing end allocations to proceed.
However, I've moved away from objects retaining arena references, which I
did quite a bit in u-config. I haven't run into any specific problems, but
when it's happening, it sticks in the back of my mind that an arena might
change behind my back if I call another function despite not passing an
arena. I also have to consider if an object might hold a reference to a
scratch arena too long — a kind of leaky abstraction.
The situation is more complicated in C++. Consider the copy loop occurring
during concat. What if T has a copy-assignment operator that modifies the
arena while concat is in the middle of its own thing? If objects hold onto
arena references, this could happen. That's the sort of behavior which
(deservedly!) gives operator overloads a bad rap. Though I wouldn't do
it, the possibility is a distraction.
If there's a hard rule, "never retain an arena reference after returning"
and therefore callers must always pass arenas when they're needed, then
there can be no behind-your-back arena mutation. That means you can't
write operator overloads that need an arena — which I view as a good
outcome. A bad outcome is poorer ergonomics for dynamic buffered output.
The typical case, flush-to-write, doesn't require an arena, but to fit the
interface you'd always need to pass one. If you "know" it's normal flushed
output, then you could pass null for the arena, but then is it *really*
More generally, this is probably a deep, fundamental conflict between
polymorphism and arena allocation. If any implementation of an interface
might need an arena, then they all must accept one. In practice today, the
sorts of people using arenas also shun virtual functions as performance
killers, so this hardly comes up. But input and output are probably *the*
most legitimate case of polymorphism — consider how unix file descriptors
have always been polymorphic — so here we are. I don't know the answer to
this problem.
The proper solution might require arenas having special treatment at the
language level. Maybe arenas have a dynamic scope (vs. lexical) whereby
they're accessible implicitly to callees. Exploring such concepts requires
language design and implementation — extremely time consuming. (Throw in
relative pointers and now I've got two things that require core language
and tooling support…)
> in-place expansion is very much UB if you're using `malloc + alloc_size` > attribute in your allocator
Wow, right! That's an excellent point I hadn't considered. What a tricky
problem. I'll add a note to the article about it.
> I think you need another function which has the alloc_size attribute but > NOT the malloc attribute
Right, just like realloc, but are you sure your arena_newsize actually
resolves it? Normally realloc is in a different translation unit, which
(aside from LTO) neatly solves it. For us it's in the same translation
unit, and GCC/Clang can "see" the pointer pass in and out of the function
unchanged. Is alloc_size enough to sever pointer provenance? I expect it's
enough for __builtin_object_size, etc., but perhaps insufficient for most
other cases, like comparisons. I suspect it also needs to launder the
pointer through an opaque interface, like an assembly block.
asm ("" : "+r"(ptr));
return ptr;
It does nothing and should cost nothing, but as far as a compiler is
considered it's a new pointer, just as if it had passed through a function
in another translation unit. This isn't a problem for normal allocation
because the malloc attribute establishes fresh provenance regardless of
the guts of the function.
Thanks for your feedback, NRK, this has been insightful!
Re: Arenas and the almighty concatenation operator
> but are you sure your arena_newsize actually resolves it?
AFAIK, __builtin_object_size() gets it's information from GCC's
optimization passes (hence why you need to enable optimization for
_FORTIFY_SOURCE to work). And so if it's enough for
__builtin_object_size() it should be good enough as far as GCC is
concerned at least.
And with that assumption, I built the following test:
static int *arena;
__attribute(( malloc, alloc_size(1) ))
void *new(int size) { return arena++; }
__attribute(( alloc_size(2) ))
void *extend(void *oldptr, int newsize) { return oldptr; }
int main(void)
int buf[4];
arena = buf;
__asm("" : "+r"(arena));
volatile int *a = new(sizeof *a);
volatile int *b = new(sizeof *b);
a[0] = 4;
/* a = extend(a, sizeof *a + sizeof *b); */
a[1] = 8;
return a[1];
If it flags the OOB read and/or write of `a[1]` with the extend()
function commented out but doesn't flag it anymore with it enabled, then
we'd have some sort of an answer.
But unfortunately, the results are disappointing. Neither gcc nor clang
can catch the OOB read nor write, even with the `extend()` function
commented out. Making this test useless.
[/tmp]~> gcc -g3 -fsanitize=address,undefined -o test test.c -O2 && ./test ; echo $?
[/tmp]~> gcc -g3 -fsanitize=address,undefined -o test test.c -O0 && ./test ; echo $?
[/tmp]~> clang -g3 -fsanitize=address,undefined -o test test.c -O2 && ./test ; echo $?
[/tmp]~> clang -g3 -fsanitize=address,undefined -o test test.c -O0 && ./test ; echo $?
And so it's difficult to say for sure whether arena_newsize() is
effective or not. This probably requires a bit more research.
Re: Arenas and the almighty concatenation operator
I was thinking about this more and contrived a small test confirming that
pointer laundering is required to avoid UB. However, the situation is
worse than expected: I found serious alloc_size bugs in both GCC and Clang
that makes me question using it at all. They would be especially tricky to
track down when they occur.
I'll go over each of my test program's function one at a time:
__attribute((malloc, alloc_size(1)))
static void *alloc(int)
static int mem[1<<8];
void *p = mem;
asm ("" : "+r"(p)); // reset provenance (Clang)
return p;
I avoided malloc, whose attributes might contaminate the results. However,
that's where I ran into a bug in Clang 17. Without the asm block, it "sees
through" the interface, ignoring alloc_size, using the size of mem (1KiB)
rather than the parameter. GCC 14 did not do this and used the alloc_size.
Clang saw a size too large, which would deoptimize rather than produce a
broken program, but imagine a more complex control flow. A small object is
freed, reallocated as part of a larger object, but Clang continues using
the previous, small size, resulting in a subtly broken program. The result
also suggests it's ignoring the malloc attribute as well: It identifies
the returned pointer as being the "mem" object, which of course is not a
new, distinct object.
Next, a function to resize an object:
__attribute((always_inline, alloc_size(2)))
static void *resize(void *p, int)
//asm ("" : "+r"(p));
return p;
Please note the always_inline. When GCC inlines a function, it discards
the alloc_size attribute! For "malloc" that just means you lose your
bounds checks, but inlining "realloc" hoses your whole program! I used
always_inline so that it gets inlined in debug builds (-Og). The key to
realizing this bug is that alloc is not inlined but resize is, so that
only some of the alloc_size information is kept. We'll come back to that
point in a moment.
As I originally suspected, the asm "fixes" it by breaking provenance. If
resize is inlined, the alloc_size information is lost, but the asm at
least makes it discard any previous alloc_size information.
Clang retains alloc_size information through inlining, so it doesn't have
trouble with this function, and the asm block is superfluous. This is
despite old size information overriding the attribute in alloc above. It
seems maybe alloc_size can override previous alloc_size, but not size
information obtained by other means.
Finally a little test:
int main(void)
int *x = alloc(1*sizeof(int));
printf("%d\n", (int)__builtin_object_size(x, 0));
x[0] = 1;
x = resize(x, 2*sizeof(int));
printf("%d\n", (int)__builtin_object_size(x, 0));
x[1] = 2; // trips sanitizer (GCC)
We can peek the compiler's size knowledge, reporting -1 if it does not
know. With UBSan we also get bounds checking at -Og. Defined exactly as I
showed, GCC 14 UBSan traps on the indicated second assignment despite the
updated size information. With the asm uncommented, the second size report
is -1, disabling the bounds check.
With the first asm block commented out, Clang reports 1024 for the first
printout, then 8 for the second.
It seems alloc_size, and probably other attributes, are only intended to
work across translation unit boundaries. Otherwise GCC and Clang each at
times peek into function definitions and ignore the declared attributes
that ought to precedence. Only dividing knowledge across translation units
stops it.
But what about LTO? After all, it's like putting everything back into one
TU. I was able to reproduce the UBSan false positive with LTO despite
splitting alloc and resize into their own TU:
$ gcc -O -flto -fsanitize=undefined main.c alloc.c
LTO hates always_inline, so remove it and add noinline to alloc. Starting
at -O1, GCC inlines resize but not alloc, reproducing the UBSan false
positive across TUs. In the big picture: If you LTO your runtime (libc,
libstdc++, etc.), GCC will not reliably compile programs! For those of us
compiling runtime and application as one TU, we need to be careful about
GCC attributes. Given the alloc situation with Clang, I wouldn't trust it
either, though it doesn't appear to be as badly broken.
(This situation nudges me slightly more towards anti-LTO, and I'm further
convinced disabling it in w64devkit was the right move. There are probably
tons of subtle LTO-related compiler bugs like this, and LTO users are not
paying enough attention to notice them.)
Re: Arenas and the almighty concatenation operator
Welp, that was a depressing read. But I can't say I'm surprised, given
previous experience with optimizers behaving in broken manner on
non-conventional programs (recall the string.h shenanigans).
> When GCC inlines a function, it discards the alloc_size attribute!
Yup, I knew about this and even had
`#ifdef DEBUG __attribute((noinline))` in some of my older projects to
keep the UBSan bounds checking alive in debug builds. But I eventually
stopped using noline and consequently forgot about the bug.
This also explains why my test program didn't work. Going back to it:
* adding `noinline` on both alloc and extend. extend call commented out
=> trips UBSan (good) test.c:19:7: runtime error: store [...] with insufficient space [...]
* same as above but this time with the extend call uncommented
=> works fine (good)
* `noinline` on alloc, but not extend. extend call uncommented
=> trips UBSan (BAD!!)
* removing all attributes from alloc, along with removing extend entirely
=> works fine (good, but also means no UBSan bounds check)
All the above was with `gcc -O2 -fsanitize=address,undefined`.
> The key to realizing this bug is that alloc is not inlined but resize> is, so that only some of the alloc_size information is kept.
It didn't occur to me back then, but now that I think about it, this bug
is also probably an issue in your in-place extension part of the
dynamic array article as well.
> For those of us compiling runtime and application as one TU, we need to> be careful about GCC attributes. Given the alloc situation with Clang, I> wouldn't trust it
I'm thinking about what the path forward might be.
Simply using `noinline` (always, not only in debug builds) on both alloc
and extend seems to work for now. Clang is smart enough to optimize away
the extend call. gcc still emits a `extend.constprop.0` call that does
But it's not really a path that I want to go down on since
A) It can hurt performance. Especially in tight loops where otherwise
the compiler might've been able to elide away the division in bounds
check along with unnecessary memory zero-ing if the call was inlined.
B) I'm not even convinced that this is a reliable solution since
`alloc_size` has shown itself to be a buggy mess.
Simply avoiding doing "in-place" extension could be another option. But
it feels an awful lot like destroying real tangible value from a product
in order to satisfy an unreasonable boss's idiotic demand.
I'm thinking just removing all the attributes might just be the right
way forwards. Downside is you don't get *legitimate* bounds-checking
from UBSan. But for me at least, buffer overflows have stopped being a
problem ever since I've started using sized-strings, so the UBSan bounds
check was providing little value.