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Elfeed and Reeder

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I'm pretty new to emacs (been using it a few months) and I'm not a coder
at all - I use it for notes/org-mode/email and capturing. But since I
use it for so much now, I've been meaning to check out Elfeed. I love
the idea of integrating my articles so tightly with my org system.

However, I mostly read RSS feeds on Reeder on my iPad Pro/mini and
iPhone. I'm wondering: Can elfeed sync read items with Reeder in some
way? Reeder saves stuff to a file in iCloud which is synced across my
devices so maybe there's a way to read from that file? Has anyone done
this? I sub to a lot of feeds so I'd be getting tons of duplicate stuff
to go over if I can't do it this way.

Sorry for the long post, I just felt like I had to explain my


Sent from MU4E in Emacs,
Because I'm becoming a NEWBIE at this!
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This was a problem I had intended to solve with the "elfeed-web" part of 
Elfeed. The plan was to visit using a browser on a mobile device and use 
the links to open tabs, if not just read inline. However, it wasn't useful 
enough to me, and I've only kept it around because it has users. If it's a 
long-form article I want to read more comfortably, I manually navigate and 
open it on my tablet. (It's shocking the number of websites that make this 
difficult, as though they don't want visitors.) There's an Android app, 
not written by me, linked in the README, though I don't know the state of 
it, nor is it helpful for iOS.

If you have some sort of browser sync, maybe you could open the article in 
your browser on your computer, then use the browser to sync it with your 
other devices.

Sorry I don't have any better options! The mobile ecosystem — both iOS and 
Android — has so far been a complete, bitter disappointment, so I spend 
little energy trying to improve the situation.
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Christopher Wellons @ 2022-08-22 11:35 :

> This was a problem I had intended to solve with the "elfeed-web" part
> of Elfeed. The plan was to visit using a browser on a mobile device
> and use the links to open tabs, if not just read inline. However, it
> wasn't useful enough to me, and I've only kept it around because it
> has users. If it's a long-form article I want to read more
> comfortably, I manually navigate and open it on my tablet. (It's
> shocking the number of websites that make this difficult, as though
> they don't want visitors.) There's an Android app, not written by me,
> linked in the README, though I don't know the state of it, nor is it
> helpful for iOS.

Ya, that's what I use Reeder for on iPhone and iPad(s). 🙃
https://reederapp.com It's a beautiful, gorgeous RSS reeder for mobile
(and for Mac too). But one reason I wanted to use Elfeed was because I'm
using Emacs a lot now and I have everything integrated. I typically read
on my iPad or iPhone and then save things to an inbox.org file and
process it for saving in emacs.

> If you have some sort of browser sync, maybe you could open the
> article in your browser on your computer, then use the browser to sync
> it with your other devices.

I meant I wanted elfeed in emacs to sync what's read and what isn't with
the Elfeed .rss file stored in iCloud. I don't know if that's even
possible - I just was asking if it is, I guess. But from the sound of
it, it doesn't seem to be.

> Sorry I don't have any better options! The mobile ecosystem — both iOS
> and Android — has so far been a complete, bitter disappointment, so I
> spend little energy trying to improve the situation.

It's ok it's not your fault. 🙃 I don't know about the disappointment
part because I love my devices and they're super useful for me but I'm
not a developer so I wouldn't know about the rest of it I guess. 🙃

Sent from MU4E in Emacs,
Because I'm becoming a NEWBIE at this!
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