
Belgrade, Serbia


Mathematician and Libre software programmer. Started with Basic in the 1990s, current focus: C, suckless programs.


Last active 3 years ago
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Re: Support org-mode for text documents a month ago

From Страхиња Радић to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

Дана 24/12/04 01:57PM, Bastien Guerry написа:
> .org files can be edited outside GNU Emacs:
> https://github.com/jceb/vim-orgmode
> https://github.com/vscode-org-mode/vscode-org-mode
> https://github.com/ihdavids/orgextended

Yes, but it originated with GNU Emacs, and is usually promoted by those
who use GNU Emacs. The listed projects are "workarounds" and
afterthoughts, rather than something that organically originated from,
and is usually associated with, the community of users of vi-like text

Re: Support org-mode for text documents a month ago

From Страхиња Радић to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

Дана 24/12/02 01:58PM, Bastien Guerry написа:
> > Comparison with GitHub is unfair, in my opinion, because
> > Sourcehut is a forge for-hackers-by-hackers, not for an
> > incompetent newbies and random Joe Doe from a street like GitHub.
> I'd argue that "hackers" also prefer clean direct solutions rather
> than clumsy hacks and workarounds :)

Exactly. But by applying that logic (which I support wholeheartedly!),
GNU Emacs is a bloated mess and should be avoided whenever possible.
Something like Vim is much better, or if that still feels as too
bloated, plain vi or vis.

Markdown, while arguably not ideal, is better and more widely

Re: sourcehut on mobile: lists width needs improvement 3 months ago

From Страхиња Радић to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

Дана 24/10/19 05:18PM, Страхиња Радић написа:
> [...] That is, and never will be 
> the case.

*That is not

Re: sourcehut on mobile: lists width needs improvement 3 months ago

From Страхиња Радић to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

Дана 24/10/18 06:32AM, a cauema написа:
> the outdated idea of breaking lines at 80 or 72

Some might call Unix an outdated concept. That is, and never will be 
the case. Not everything which is new is good, and some things which 
are old are just that good to stand the test of time. Breaking lines at 
72/80 columns is one such thing.

Re: sourcehut on mobile: lists width needs improvement 3 months ago

From Страхиња Радић to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

Дана 24/10/15 03:22PM, raingloom@riseup.net написа:
> I'll just leave this here, since it summarizes my stance far better 
> than I could:
> https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2024-04-30-re-emacs-github-freedom-microsoft/

I know of that article.

> my contributions will not reach as many people, potentially 
> liberating them in some way, and, above all, it will not be part of a 
> concerted plan for political reform

The assumption is that the only way to reach people who should be
reached is through using a code hosting platform, specifically Github.

Re: sourcehut on mobile: lists width needs improvement 3 months ago

From Страхиња Радић to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

Дана 24/10/15 12:45PM, raingloom@riseup.net написа:
> The norm is Github.

For mainstream "developers", yes.

> And this is how you keep Github as the norm.

On the contrary, voicing and supporting a different opinion is the only
way to stand against anything. Choosing conformism instead of that is
the reason why Github is how it is right now, and why mainstream
software is how it is right now.

Re: sourcehut on mobile: lists width needs improvement 3 months ago

From Страхиња Радић to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

Дана 24/10/15 09:56AM, Rene Kita написа:
> Maintainers running mailing lists on sr.ht have users. Users that are
> not hackers. I, and certainly others too, want to have a pretty low bar
> for my users to report problems or bugs. I don't think telling them to
> not use Android is a valid option.

For an example of how it can (and should) be done, see how the OpenBSD 
project handles bug reports:


Дана 24/10/15 12:43AM, Matěj Cepl написа:
> You don’t have to go all the way towards mutt (or aerc I use),

Re: sourcehut on mobile: lists width needs improvement 3 months ago

From Страхиња Радић to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

Дана 24/10/14 01:39PM, a cauema написа:
> also, a huge ps...
> when trying to send this message above using my very simple email client
> (edison) on android, i got the extra annoyance of the "we don't like your
> message, please read useplaintext.email pretty please" as you all for sure
> know. and i decided to try fairemail again, since i lost all memory of why i
> left it around 4y ago (i do recall i used it with srht). not sure yet if me
> and/or marcel (fairemail dev, who seemed to somehow enjoy me as a customer
> back then) will enjoy this turn of events, but i for sure still see the way
> srht team handles this as disappointing yet again. my first attempt had no
> html that i added. i feel it should ideally have accepted the text part of
> it, as a sign of "we understand this was not my/your fault or my/your first
> choice", and then moved on to teach me all about the otherwose interesting

Re: Add pr.pico.sh to sourcehut? 6 months ago

From Страхиња Радић to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

Дана 24/07/14 04:13PM, Jakob написа:
> Yes, but compare that to GitHub: Click the green button to fork, 
> clone your repo, commit, push, click the green button to make a PR and 
> done.

I don't like clicking JavaScript buttons on web pages selling my data 
to third parties or feeding my code to AI if I can avoid it. Sometimes 
it is regrettably the only way to contribute to Free Software projects, 
_only_ because they aren't present on a code hosting platform like 

In contrast to this, I use simple command line and TUI programs to get 
the job done in a straightforward, efficient and controllable way. I 
use Neomutt as email client, I use Vim as my main text editor (and my

Re: Add pr.pico.sh to sourcehut? 6 months ago

From Страхиња Радић to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

Дана 24/07/14 03:04PM, Jakob написа:
> - A contributor has to enable SMTP in the settings of most mail 
> providers.

Email "providers" that don't support SMTP, like Tutanota, suck anyway.
Probably the most widespread free email provider, Gmail, currently
supports SMTP, and works with SMTP clients. Personally, for Gmail I'm
using msmtp[1] with its "allow insecure applications" setting and
"application password" even unrelated with Git, so I'm also using it
for Git. (I also use msmtp for my hosted email server.) The usage of
msmtp in Git is easily set up by adding this to .gitconfig:

		from = Your Name <youremail@host.com>