I'm glad this list exists :)
The Mattermost server I'm on relies on SSO so I don't have a password.
Instead I got a personal access token; it works exactly like a session
token (i.e. goes after "Authorization: Bearer").
Currently wee-most only supports password. I am going to patch it so it
can optionally skip /api/v4/users/login when logging in.
After I'm done I will send my patch upstream.
Sorry for the long delay before my reply.
> I'm glad this list exists :)
Thanks a lot for your contribution, I'm glad to know someone else is
using this forked project :)
> After I'm done I will send my patch upstream.
I will have a hackathon at my job at the end of this week. This is the
main time I normally work on this project as I use this plugin only at
work. I'll include your patch then and work on fixing some more bugs and
include new features.
Damien Tardy-Panis