
eigen: Improve language in readme v1 SUPERSEDED

Jeremy Baxter: 2
 Improve language in readme
 Add basic building/usage section to readme

 2 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
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[PATCH eigen 1/2] Improve language in readme Export this patch

Improves a lot of the language in the readme so that it can be better
understood. I have one question though: in the section titled "Why
just desktop?", what is meant by "form factor transitions" and
"paradigm translations"?
 README.md | 69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c34b638..1621b63 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ The term "eigen" comes from German, meaning "own". So in a sense, this is *your

### Why just desktop?

I'm still quite skeptical that you can truly make good applications for platforms so distinct as
desktop and mobile from a single codebase. I've yet to find any good example.

Seeing as the paradigms of keyboard+mouse driven UIs and of touch driven UIs are so different, you'd
have to be very careful and thoughtful, and consider all the edge cases of form factor transitions
and paradigm translations, to write a proper one-codebase-to-rule-them GUI.
At that point, you might as well just write "native" apps and get proper system integration from the
get go.  
I'm still quite skeptical that you can use one codebase to make good quality applications for platforms as
different and diverse as desktop and mobile. I've yet to find a good example.

Seeing as keyboard and mouse driven UIs and touch driven UIs are so different, you'd have to be very thoughtful
about it and consider all the edge cases of different form factors and API translations, to write a proper
one-codebase-to-rule-them-all GUI. At that point, you might as well just write "native" apps and get proper
system integration from the get go.

I think a great way to avoid duplicating a lot of business logic is use something like [Kotlin
Multiplatform](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform.html) or do what
[Element](https://element.io) is doing and make a library with the core stuff and then call it through FFI on
@@ -54,41 +54,41 @@ develop Eigen!

For now, the major focus will be on Linux (since it's the platform I use), with Windows and macOS
being supported as well, though as a best effort. If anyone wants to help me maintain and test those
builds, let me know.  
builds, let me know.
I'm also open to making WebAssembly builds, given Slint and the Matrix Rust SDK support it. They are
not a priority, however.

### Why Rust?

First of all, I like the language. I have some criticisms, but I like it. It's interesting and mostly forces
you to write more "correct" code, be it when handling memory, errors or concurrency, for example.  
It's also quite undeniable that Rust's community and ecosystem are quite big and alive, with lots of competent
people learning and using it, and tons of quality libraries that can save us work (and probably do it better),
which is always nice and important for an open-source project.  
And that is perhaps the most relevant factor: there's very complete and well-supported crate for interacting
with Matrix APIs. [Matrix Rust SDK](https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-rust-sdk), under the [Matrix
Foundation](https://matrix.org)'s own jurisdiction, is being used by Element to write the game-changing
Element X clients and is the reason I even thought of starting this project in the first place.
you to write "correct" code when, for example handling memory, errors or concurrency.
It's also quite undeniable that Rust's community and ecosystem is quite big and alive, with lots of competent
developers using it, and there are tons of quality libraries that can save us work (and probably do it better),
which is always nice and important for an open-source project.
And that is probably the most relevant factor: there's a very complete and well-supported library for interacting
with Matrix servers. [Matrix Rust SDK](https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-rust-sdk), under the ownership of
the [Matrix Foundation](https://matrix.org), is being used by Element to write the game-changing Element X
clients and is the reason I even thought of starting this project in the first place.

### Why Slint?


Rust's GUI ecosystem is quite diverse and rapidly evolving, there are libraries and frameworks of all sorts of
Rust's GUI ecosystem is quite diverse and rapidly evolving; there are libraries and frameworks for all sorts of
Before I thought of starting Eigen, I actually worked a bit on
[Spectral](https://gitlab.com/spectral-im/spectral/), a promising but now abandoned Matrix client written in
C++ with [QtQuick/QML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QML) (which was then forked by the KDE folks into
I really liked the idea (and for the most part, the execution) of QML, so when it was time to pick a GUI stack
for Eigen, I immediately turned to it (in fact, I even started writing Eigen stuff with it; see
I really liked the idea and execution of QML, so when it was time to pick a GUI stack for Eigen, I immediately
turned to it (in fact, I even started writing Eigen stuff with it; see commit
[`1e7cbc96`](https://git.sr.ht/~tmpod/eigen/commit/1e7cbc96c47ffd7f22460448ed5bc7fa5c5e316f)). Despite
[qmetaobject-rs](https://github.com/woboq/qmetaobject-rs) and [CXX-Qt](https://github.com/KDAB/cxx-qt) being a
thing, they felt like a some hack, cobbling Rust and C++ together, and ultimately were quite awkward to work
thing, they felt like a hack, cobbling Rust and C++ together, and ultimately were quite awkward to work
with async Rust (a fundamental part of Eigen, as mentioned above), because of Qt's own event loop. I had my
eyes on Slint for a while, but I always saw it as very incomplete weird clone of QML, until the end of last
year. They made incredible progress during 2023 and when I started playing around with it in December, I was
quite pleasantly surprised.  
eyes on Slint for a while, but I always saw it as a very incomplete and weird clone of QML, until the end of
last year. They made incredible progress during 2023 and when I started playing around with it in December, I
was quite pleasantly surprised.
After [asking around](https://github.com/slint-ui/slint/discussions/4377) about async support, I was satisfied
enough with it and started working on Eigen from the ground up again.

@@ -105,33 +105,28 @@ Discussions are carried out through mailing lists, which also receive
normal-looking tickets, still compatible with e-mail.

I chose it because I like the flow, I like the work sourcehut has been doing and technically it allows for
easier account-less contributions.  
easier account-less contributions.
Now, I won't delude myself. This is unlikely to work out in the future, if the project gains more
contributors, but I still think it's a good experiment.  
contributors, but I still think it's a good experiment.
If contributors really don't want to use this system after trying it, I will consider moving to

### How can I contribute?
### How can I contribute? (patches, bug reports, feature requests)

It's very nice of you to want to contribute, thanks!
Since we are on sourcehut, GitHub-like pull requests are not a thing, but it's very easy!
Take a look at [`CONTRIBUTING.md`](./CONTRIBUTING.md) for all the whats and hows.

### How can I submit bug reports or suggest new features?

Since we are on sourcehut, GitHub-like issues are not a thing, but it's very easy!
Take a look at [`CONTRIBUTING.md`](./CONTRIBUTING.md#working-with-sourcehut) for more info.

### Why AGPL?

The Affero GPL is a slightly modified version of regular GNU GPL which also mandates code distribution if the
software is run and accessible on a server.
The GNU Affero General Public License is a slightly modified version of the regular GNU GPL which also
mandates code distribution if the software is run and accessible on a server.
This is to cover the eventuality of making a WebAssembly build of Eigen, since Slint supports it.

## License

This software is licensed under the [Affero General Public License
v3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html), whose full text can also be found in
This software is licensed under the [GNU Affero General Public License
v3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html), the full text of which can be found in

[PATCH eigen 2/2] Add basic building/usage section to readme Export this patch

I've managed to build Eigen and run it successfully with a bit of
setup with KWallet. I've found that KWallet used with Eigen requires
libqca-ossl which is a plugin to QCA, a Qt library that KWallet uses.
Detail how to build Eigen with cargo and how to run the program.
Outline the dependencies needed to run it and the the issues one
might run into when using Eigen without a keyring, or using KWallet
without libqca-ossl. This will guide future users away from making
the mistakes I did.
ldd proves that Eigen depends on libsqlite3, and libssl+libcrypto
which are part of OpenSSL.
 README.md | 9 ++++++++-
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1621b63..5261d0e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -21,8 +21,15 @@ If you have any good ideas or design skills, hit me up [on Matrix](matrix:u/tmpo

## Usage

First, proceed with building Eigen. Install Rust and Cargo, then use `cargo build -r` to compile Eigen in
release mode. After Eigen has finished being built, you can run the executable by running `./target/release/eigen`.

To run Eigen, you will need OpenSSL and sqlite installed, which you probably already have. Additionally you
will need a keyring program to securely store passwords, such as gnome-keyring or KWallet. If you're using a
desktop environment such as GNOME or KDE Plasma, this is probably already set up for you.

KWallet users may have to install the QCA OSSL plugin, usually under the name libqca-ossl or qca-ossl in
your package manager.

## FAQ
