On Sat Aug 14, 2021 at 4:33 AM BST, Daniel P. wrote:
> Is there a way by which I can have soft wrapping at a given line length
> in vim?
> Or define a maximum visual line length and passing that there will be
> soft wrapping.
> One use case is editing Gemini file.
Indeed, Gemini text forbids newline characters in paragrahps.
Admittedly, resizing windows in vim is quite burdensome initially.
For window resizing, see
:help window-resize
:help vertical-resize
You could do something like
:vert res 80
You need another window for the first one to resize "against" it. That's
just how it is. You could create a mapping for that.
Another option is to use `:help columns`. However, this acts on the
entire "frame" of vim. This is only useful if you're only using one
window. You could do something like:
:set wrap columns=80 linebreak showbreak=` set nonumber
:set wrap columns=80 linebreak showbreak= set number
I don't hardcode these settings in ~torresjrjr/gemini.vim, except for
`wrap`, because people may have different preferences. But maybe I
should mention these settings for vim novices.
If you want something more bloated, checkout junegunn/goyo.vim. It's
like a "focus mode".
Another option is to create a split pane in tmux, if you use tmux
I actually do this all the time because I'm usually working with other
windows, panes, buffers, and shells anyway. Of course, this depends on
your screen size and workflow. Do what's best in the moment.