near Koblenz, Germany
Free software hacker, Emacs addict, hobbyist beekeeper and chicken farmer
From Tassilo Horn to ~tsdh/public-inbox
bitraid <> writes: > I've only seen this on system startup, where the server isn't ready > yet. There is a message on stderr, and stdout is empty. I've released 0.4.2 just now. Better be safe than sorry. Thanks, Tassilo
From Tassilo Horn to ~tsdh/public-inbox
bitraid <> writes: Applied, thanks! Just for me to know how serious that issue is: under what conditions does wpctl give empty output? Bye, Tassilo > --- > swayrbar/src/module/ | 10 ++++++---- > 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) > > diff --git a/swayrbar/src/module/ b/swayrbar/src/module/ > index be9f4f4..b51b268 100644 > --- a/swayrbar/src/module/
From Tassilo Horn to ~tsdh/public-inbox
Applied, pushed, and released as swayrbar-0.4.1! Thanks a lot! Tassilo
From Tassilo Horn to ~tsdh/public-inbox
bitraid <> writes: Hi, thanks a lot! the code looks fine and I'm happy to accept your contribution. Some minor nitpicks below. > --- /dev/null > +++ b/swayrbar/src/module/ > @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ > +// Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Tassilo Horn <> This should be just 2024. The module didn't exist before. And feel free to mention you as author, too.
From Tassilo Horn to ~sircmpwn/
"Joseph Koshy" <> writes: > seems to have stopped displaying incoming channel messages. > The most recent messages that I see are from a week ago (from around > 12:00 BST on 2024-09-22). FWIW, it seems to work normal when connecting with a IRC client. I've just tried the web interface and get immediate errors like "failed to fetch backlock for #somechannel". But I do see messages that are posted just now. Bye, Tassilo
From Tassilo Horn to ~sircmpwn/
"Lux Aliaga" <> writes: > The Arch Linux build image present in is currently not > getting past the setup process. It attempts to summon `yay`, but fails > due to a missing shared library. Here's an example of a failed build > to prove what I mean. > > > > The build manifest only provides a single dependency, so I'm > discarding it as the culprit, but let me know if I'm wrong. I don't know why but pacman/pacutils where updated and (where yay is linked against) is replaced with Most
From Tassilo Horn to ~tsdh/public-inbox
Hi Michal, looks good to me. Applied and pushed! Thanks, Tassilo
From Tassilo Horn to ~tsdh/public-inbox
Benjamin Grosse <> writes: Hi Benjamin, > Hello, it's the first time I send a patch via mail so I hope this > reaches you well Yes, it's perfect! Nothing to criticise, so applied and pushed. I'll publish a new swayrbar version later. Thanks, Tassilo
From Tassilo Horn to ~tsdh/public-inbox
Luca Matei Pintilie <> writes: Hi Luca, > On one hand, it gives configuration a bit of _style_ and makes them a > bit fancy, on the other hand it means modules in the future will not > be able to control the colors themselves dynamically. So for example > the battery module could not change colors depending on the charge > level. Indeed. That's a complication and tradeoff which I have dealt with for now. For styling, alignment, and padding one can already use string formatting in `format` which works ok assuming one uses a proportional font in swaybar. And one can use pango (basic HTML) formatting, too,
From Tassilo Horn to ~tsdh/public-inbox
Luca Matei Pintilie <> writes: > To be perfectly honest, I don't fully understand the feedback on the > previous patch in regards to documentation. So besides some minor > rewording I think I'll need more help. Oh, I think I've not seen the sentence where mention `format`. Apologies. I'd still be a bit more clear, e.g., something like The shell command to be executed has to be provided as `format` value and its output is displayed in the module's space in swaybar. Your "the command can be passed through the format configuration option" sounds like there were other possibilities, too, which is not the case.