Tanks for this amazing package.
I was thinking about creating an Emacs package for swayr, and need to
get the output of the command that is sent to dmenu/wofi/rofi in a
file/buffer before being able to work with it from inside Emacs.
There seems to be a way to make Emacs behave like dmenu, but it's quite
unnatural and fragile https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsPipe
I tried to put the "cat" string in the executable but wasn't able to get
anything in a terminal in which I put the "swayr" command.
Best regards,
Nicolas Graves
On 2023-02-02 16:17, Nicolas Graves wrote:
> I tried to put the "cat" string in the executable but wasn't able to get> anything in a terminal in which I put the "swayr" command.
I can also use tee to pipe output in a temporary file, then get emacs to
open this temporary file, in a shell script. Also not very emacsy, but
could work.
Any thoughts on this ?
Best regards,
Nicolas Graves
I could look a bit more at this.
I think it's possible to get something done through an intermediary
file that is then read by emacs.
The only thing is that I have to stick to the swayr function I have
used as an input, where I would have liked to have the possibility to
use different actions (using embark to be able to categorize actions
based on inputs, then providing the ability to switch actions).
To summarize, what would help me:
- a command to output current window / workspaces / input sent to swayr
- the ability to call swayr with a command and a string argument from
the commandline, such that `swayr switch-to "input name"` would
actually switch to it.
What do you think ?
Best regards,
Nicolas Graves