I am testing moving from a microblog.pub instance to a Mastodon
instance, and I am not able to proceed past an error that the new
instance does not have the old instance's URI in alsoKnownAs. For
root@microblog:~/microblog.pub# make account=jmbwell@interrobang.pizza move-to
docker run --rm --volume `pwd`/data:/app/data --volume `pwd`/app/static:/app/app/static microblogpub/microblogpub inv move-to jmbwell@interrobang.pizza
Initiating move to @jmbwell@interrobang.pizza
@jmbwell@interrobang.pizza/https://interrobang.pizza/users/jmbwell is missing https://jmbwell.me in alsoKnownAs
The destination is a Mastodon instance. Mastodon allows me to add
jmbwell@jmbwell.me as an alias. It does not allow me to put
https://jmbwell.me as an alias.
So microblog.pub seems to expect something to be there that the user
won't be able to put there.
Is that expected behavior? Is it correctly preventing the user from
something that they shouldn't try to do?
I've looked into the code to see about bypassing it, but I'm not sure
what consequences that might have in terms of ActivityPub.
Thanks very much!