

Last active 1 year, 10 months ago
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Re: Getting 404 on new git repository 10 months ago

From Travis Wrightsman to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

Hi Conrad,

> Can you specify how exactly you created the repo? Did you use the "Create
> new repository" form on the web app? Or maybe the "Clone repo to your
> account" button on some existing repo? Or did you just `git push` something
> to create it?

I used the "Create new repository" form on the web app.

> In addition, any chance you can narrow down the time at which you did so?
> Might help us find something in the logs...

According to my commit history, it should be around 13:30 EST / 18:30 UTC.

Getting 404 on new git repository 10 months ago

From Travis Wrightsman to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

I tried to create a repo named "exercism-c" on git.sr.ht recently and
was directed to a 404 page afterwards. Trying to create it again shows
an "already exists" error. I cannot push to nor pull from the

I successfully created a repository named "exercism-c2", without

Any ideas what might have gone wrong and how I can get access to the
original repository?