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[NonGNU-devel ELPA] Tarball build failure for hyperdrive

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The build scripts failed to build the tarball
for version 0.4pre0.20240502.183546 of the package hyperdrive.
You can consult the latest error output in the file
"hyperdrive-build-failure.txt" in the NonGNU-devel ELPA archive web site.

You can also try and reproduce the error locally as follows:

    git clone --single-branch https://git.sv.gnu.org/git/emacs/nongnu.git
    cd nongnu
    make                      # Setup the infrastructure
    make packages/hyperdrive  # Create a worktree of the package
    make build/hyperdrive     # Build the tarballs into archive(-devel)/

## The current error output was the following:

======== Building tarball archive-devel/hyperdrive-0.4pre0.20240502.183546.tar...
Loading /etc/emacs/site-start.d/00debian.el (source)...
Loading /etc/emacs/site-start.d/10-elpa.gnu.org.el (source)...
 [4 times]
Build error for archive-devel/hyperdrive-0.4pre0.20240502.183546.tar: (file-missing "Opening input file" "No such file or directory" "/home/elpa/nongnu/packages/hyperdrive/README.md")
######## Build of package archive-devel/hyperdrive-0.4pre0.20240502.183546.tar FAILED!!
Message ID
<85y18rtgel.fsf@elpa.gnu.org> (view parent)
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I just fixed the package's spec to refer to `README.org`, so hopefully
the next build will be successful.


ELPA update [2024-05-03 05:04:50] wrote:

> The build scripts failed to build the tarball
> for version 0.4pre0.20240502.183546 of the package hyperdrive.
> You can consult the latest error output in the file
> "hyperdrive-build-failure.txt" in the NonGNU-devel ELPA archive web site.
> You can also try and reproduce the error locally as follows:
>     git clone --single-branch https://git.sv.gnu.org/git/emacs/nongnu.git
>     cd nongnu
>     make                      # Setup the infrastructure
>     make packages/hyperdrive  # Create a worktree of the package
>     make build/hyperdrive     # Build the tarballs into archive(-devel)/
> ## The current error output was the following:
> ======== Building tarball archive-devel/hyperdrive-0.4pre0.20240502.183546.tar...
> Loading /etc/emacs/site-start.d/00debian.el (source)...
> Loading /etc/emacs/site-start.d/10-elpa.gnu.org.el (source)...
> ELPATEXI=hyperdrive.texi
>  [4 times]
> Build error for archive-devel/hyperdrive-0.4pre0.20240502.183546.tar: (file-missing "Opening input file" "No such file or directory" "/home/elpa/nongnu/packages/hyperdrive/README.md")
> ######## Build of package archive-devel/hyperdrive-0.4pre0.20240502.183546.tar FAILED!!
Message ID
<jwv4jbeudnw.fsf-monnier+emacs@gnu.org> (view parent)
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Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca> writes:

> I just fixed the package's spec to refer to `README.org`, so hopefully
> the next build will be successful.

Thank you!

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