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Back on the sourcehut list

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Hello all,

We're back on this mailing list. As I wrote on the private mailing list, the growing list of members joining it ended up nullifying its main advantage, coziness. It's been quite a while since an emotionally sensible subject (collapse) has been broached on the list, it's been mostly technical. Either the list has been failing to provide this safe space or the need subsided.

A private mailing list brings an unnecessary aura of mystery around the project and constitute a barrier to entry to the project, so here we go.

When I merged this list with the private one, I had a frustration with sourcehut's problematic interactions with big and arrogant providers (gmail). I don't know if things are better now, but it might not be. Well, so be it. If you're on gmail, you might be better off using another provider, someone who doesn't actively work against you.

This will be a list for both Dusk OS and Collapse OS, discussions and patches. The private ML will be closing.

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<841062b9-0366-4b1a-83c3-c789cd7b5885@app.fastmail.com> (view parent)
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On 2024-08-22 13:29, Virgil Dupras wrote:
> Hello all,
> We're back on this mailing list. As I wrote on the private mailing list, the growing list of members joining it ended up nullifying its main advantage, coziness. It's been quite a while since an emotionally sensible subject (collapse) has been broached on the list, it's been mostly technical. Either the list has been failing to provide this safe space or the need subsided.
> A private mailing list brings an unnecessary aura of mystery around the project and constitute a barrier to entry to the project, so here we go.
> When I merged this list with the private one, I had a frustration with sourcehut's problematic interactions with big and arrogant providers (gmail). I don't know if things are better now, but it might not be. Well, so be it. If you're on gmail, you might be better off using another provider, someone who doesn't actively work against you.
> This will be a list for both Dusk OS and Collapse OS, discussions and patches. The private ML will be closing.
> Regards,
> Virgil

Will the private ML's archive be imported to sourcehut?
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<ff7f55b32033ee94bbb13c637b679ebf@riseup.net> (view parent)
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On Thu, Aug 22, 2024, at 7:37 AM, raingloom@riseup.net wrote:
> On 2024-08-22 13:29, Virgil Dupras wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> We're back on this mailing list. As I wrote on the private mailing list, the growing list of members joining it ended up nullifying its main advantage, coziness. It's been quite a while since an emotionally sensible subject (collapse) has been broached on the list, it's been mostly technical. Either the list has been failing to provide this safe space or the need subsided.
>> A private mailing list brings an unnecessary aura of mystery around the project and constitute a barrier to entry to the project, so here we go.
>> When I merged this list with the private one, I had a frustration with sourcehut's problematic interactions with big and arrogant providers (gmail). I don't know if things are better now, but it might not be. Well, so be it. If you're on gmail, you might be better off using another provider, someone who doesn't actively work against you.
>> This will be a list for both Dusk OS and Collapse OS, discussions and patches. The private ML will be closing.
>> Regards,
>> Virgil
> Will the private ML's archive be imported to sourcehut?

No. Not much would be gained by it and some participants might object to their messages being publicly archived.
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