
17 4

Dusk Tour

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Hello all,

There seems to be a surge of interest in Dusk OS these days and I get asked for
tutorials. My naive reaction to this is to ask what's wrong with the docs as
they are. The naive response is to say that there's no way around it: Dusk is
operated, not used.

But one has to face it: significant effort has to be poured in learning about
Forth and Dusk and the payoff is uncertain before that cost is paid. One could
decide to pay this upfront cost based on the advertised features alone, but
some people need to see the miracles with their own eyes before believing them.
I can't blame them, I might do the same myself.

To this end, I began writing the Dusk Tour[1], a series of annotated commands
designed to be ran in dusk-sdl without prior Forth or Dusk knowlege. The idea
is that we don't explain stuff, only show.

So far, I only have assembling and compiling covered, but I'm also planning to
add a significant part for graphical wonders.

The uxn/varvara rewrite enticed me to essentially rewrite the whole graphical
stack and that thing is getting quite pretty. And I think it will be fast. I'm
thinking that a tour of that stack might turn in a few people into believers.


[1]: https://git.sr.ht/~vdupras/duskos/tree/master/item/fs/doc/tour.txt
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<ZuHuoP/IpxDGNtGa@arendt> (view parent)
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This is great! I tried to work through it but hit an error halfway through. Here's my complete session.

$ ./dusk  
Dusk OS 
79KB used 31MB free ok 
here .x 
here .x 
00014b40 ok 
here dump 
here dump 
:00014b40 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
:00014b50 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
:00014b60 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
:00014b70 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
:00014b80 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
:00014b90 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
:00014ba0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
:00014bb0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
here $100 - dump 
here $100 - dump 
:00014a40 0000 1403 051d 344a 0100 0015 8310 0dec ......4J........ 
:00014a50 4701 0020 08ff ffff ff13 1d1b 0000 0006 G.. ............ 
:00014a60 0013 1d00 0000 0014 0305 1d81 4a01 0000 ............J... 
:00014a70 08fc ffff ff10 8310 1d00 0000 0000 934a ...............J 
:00014a80 0101 4c47 0115 8315 8310 0dec 4701 0001 ..LG........G... 
:00014a90 8020 0002 0070 726f 6d70 7406 204a 0100 . ...prompt. J.. 
:00014aa0 00a4 4a01 00b0 4a01 0420 6f6b 0a00 0000 ..J...J.. ok.... 
:00014ab0 1583 101d a84a 0100 0158 3500 0124 4a01 .....J...X5..$J. 
PS 00 RS 03 --  ok 
here $100 - .S 
here $100 - .S 
PS 01 RS 03 -- 00014a40  ok 
here .S 
here .S 
PS 02 RS 03 -- 00014b40 00014a40  ok 
84800 ok 
PS 01 RS 03 -- 00014a40  ok 
84544 ok 
PS 00 RS 03 --  ok 
$cafebabe here ! 
$cafebabe here ! 
PS 00 RS 03 --  ok 
here dump 
here dump 
:00014b40 beba feca 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
:00014b50 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
:00014b60 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
:00014b70 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
:00014b80 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
:00014b90 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
:00014ba0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
:00014bb0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
here @ .x 
here @ .x 
cafebabe ok 
needs asm/i386 
needs asm/i386 
code add42 ax 42 i) add, ret, 
code add42 ax 42 i) add, ret, 
5 add42 . 
5 add42 . 
Out of bounds memory access c3000000 
W 00000005 A 00000061 S 00000000 PC 0001929a PSP 01fff73c RSP 01ffff38 HERE 0001929a 
RS 00000000 00000c98  
Out of bounds memory access 2000001 
W 00000005 A 00000061 S 00000000 PC 02000001 PSP 01fff73c RSP 01ffff38 HERE 0001929a 
RS 00000000 00000c98  
W 00000005 A 00000061 S 00000000 PC 02000002 PSP 01fff73c RSP 01ffff38 HERE 0001929a 
RS 00000000 00000c98  
Dumping memory to memdump.


I compared every character of `code add42 ax 42 i) add, ret,` to make sure you actually had commas in those 2 places, but it seems like I got it right..
Message ID
<c9deffa3-888d-49e4-a85b-97c30ff2a946@app.fastmail.com> (view parent)
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On Wed, Sep 11, 2024 at 01:42:31PM -0700, Kartik Agaram wrote:
> This is great! I tried to work through it but hit an error halfway through. Here's my complete session.
> $ ./dusk  
> Dusk OS 
> 79KB used 31MB free ok 
> here .x 
> here .x 
> 00014b40 ok 
> here dump 
> here dump 
> :00014b40 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
> :00014b50 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
> :00014b60 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
> :00014b70 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
> :00014b80 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
> :00014b90 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
> :00014ba0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
> :00014bb0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
> ok 
> here $100 - dump 
> here $100 - dump 
> :00014a40 0000 1403 051d 344a 0100 0015 8310 0dec ......4J........ 
> :00014a50 4701 0020 08ff ffff ff13 1d1b 0000 0006 G.. ............ 
> :00014a60 0013 1d00 0000 0014 0305 1d81 4a01 0000 ............J... 
> :00014a70 08fc ffff ff10 8310 1d00 0000 0000 934a ...............J 
> :00014a80 0101 4c47 0115 8315 8310 0dec 4701 0001 ..LG........G... 
> :00014a90 8020 0002 0070 726f 6d70 7406 204a 0100 . ...prompt. J.. 
> :00014aa0 00a4 4a01 00b0 4a01 0420 6f6b 0a00 0000 ..J...J.. ok.... 
> :00014ab0 1583 101d a84a 0100 0158 3500 0124 4a01 .....J...X5..$J. 
> ok 
> .S 
> .S 
> PS 00 RS 03 --  ok 
> here $100 - .S 
> here $100 - .S 
> PS 01 RS 03 -- 00014a40  ok 
> here .S 
> here .S 
> PS 02 RS 03 -- 00014b40 00014a40  ok 
> . 
> . 
> 84800 ok 
> .S 
> .S 
> PS 01 RS 03 -- 00014a40  ok 
> . 
> . 
> 84544 ok 
> .S 
> .S 
> PS 00 RS 03 --  ok 
> $cafebabe here ! 
> $cafebabe here ! 
> ok 
> .S 
> .S 
> PS 00 RS 03 --  ok 
> here dump 
> here dump 
> :00014b40 beba feca 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
> :00014b50 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
> :00014b60 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
> :00014b70 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
> :00014b80 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
> :00014b90 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
> :00014ba0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
> :00014bb0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 
> ok 
> here @ .x 
> here @ .x 
> cafebabe ok 
> needs asm/i386 
> needs asm/i386 
> ok 
> code add42 ax 42 i) add, ret, 
> code add42 ax 42 i) add, ret, 
> ok 
> 5 add42 . 
> 5 add42 . 
> Out of bounds memory access c3000000 
> W 00000005 A 00000061 S 00000000 PC 0001929a PSP 01fff73c RSP 01ffff38 HERE 0001929a 
> PS  
> RS 00000000 00000c98  
> Out of bounds memory access 2000001 
> W 00000005 A 00000061 S 00000000 PC 02000001 PSP 01fff73c RSP 01ffff38 HERE 0001929a 
> PS  
> RS 00000000 00000c98  
> W 00000005 A 00000061 S 00000000 PC 02000002 PSP 01fff73c RSP 01ffff38 HERE 0001929a 
> PS  
> RS 00000000 00000c98  
> Dumping memory to memdump.
> $
> =eof
> I compared every character of `code add42 ax 42 i) add, ret,` to make sure you actually had commas in those 2 places, but it seems like I got it right..

Hello Kartik,

That's because you're running the POSIX VM. You need to run Usermode Dusk. I've
updated the tour to clarify requirements.

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<ZuILvs+jXWTlW30w@arendt> (view parent)
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Ok I made it to the end! This is excellent.

(I just took a while to figure out how to build dusk-curses. usermode/README.md. Perhaps the section `Build and run` should come before `Packages`? It doesn't seem necessary to understand packages. And the sections before and after the build section both mention packages, which suggests they may be better off being contiguous..)

(I haven't tried the multilib thing for dusk-sdl yet.)
Henk van de Kamer <henk@vandekamer.com>
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<c9deffa3-888d-49e4-a85b-97c30ff2a946@app.fastmail.com> (view parent)
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Just wow!

After getting Dusk OS running on the A64-OLinuXino from Olimex I 
experimented some. I tried the starting guide from Alex Wennerberg, but 
got stuck on the third command:

$ curpath :listdir

It seems that this has changed between versions? Tried to find another 
starting point for someone who's familiar with programming and how 
computers start executing code, but not with Forth and the nitty gritty 
details. Didn't find one, but at the moment the information about this 
project seems to be scattered in a few places. Was thinking about the 
Wiki function which sourcehut seems to have. But then another project 
needed attention.

That is finished and when I came back here, I saw this. Good news for me 
and hopefully this will get me started. I'm rally interested in Collapse 
OS and that is now hosted in Dusk OS. So the learning curve seems to be 
steep. But I think in the end I will have learned something and 
hopefully got ideas for my "dead" computer project.


Henk van de Kamer
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<9cbd82e7-db68-4554-97de-4f40d0c38e09@vandekamer.com> (view parent)
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On Sun, Sep 15, 2024 at 11:38:28AM +0200, Henk van de Kamer wrote:
> Just wow!
> After getting Dusk OS running on the A64-OLinuXino from Olimex I
> experimented some. I tried the starting guide from Alex Wennerberg, but got
> stuck on the third command:
> $ curpath :listdir
> It seems that this has changed between versions? Tried to find another
> starting point for someone who's familiar with programming and how computers
> start executing code, but not with Forth and the nitty gritty details.
> Didn't find one, but at the moment the information about this project seems
> to be scattered in a few places. Was thinking about the Wiki function which
> sourcehut seems to have. But then another project needed attention.
> That is finished and when I came back here, I saw this. Good news for me and
> hopefully this will get me started. I'm rally interested in Collapse OS and
> that is now hosted in Dusk OS. So the learning curve seems to be steep. But
> I think in the end I will have learned something and hopefully got ideas for
> my "dead" computer project.
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Henk van de Kamer
> https://www.vandekamer.com/
> https://www.hetlab.tk/

Hello Henk,

The filesystem API indeed changed since Alex wrote this tutorial, which means
it's broken. ":listdir" became "listdir" and the concept of "current path" was
removed. You can, if you want, create yourself a "curpath" variable and use that
value in "lookuprel"[1], but there is no Dusk-sanctioned way to do it, you just
bootstrap your own.

But Dusk being a memory oriented system, FS accesses are really much less
important than in UNIXes. You want to keep track of memory addresses much more
than you want to keep track of FS paths.

Yes, Dusk changes a lot and one of the unfortunate side effects is to break
tutorials like this. But one of the great joys of working on this project is to
not let myself be burdened by past choices when comes the time to face
expanding specifications. Refactoring such a system into something tighter is a
gargantuan, black mamba like, dopamine shot.

That being said, things *are* stabilizing with time. Shaking things around to
allow pieces to fall into place can only be done so much. After a while, things
can be considered "tight". Namespace removal[2] was the biggest shaking I did
since the "wildly changing all the time" early times of Dusk. I was heavily
invested in the namespace concept and it took me a while to notice the
drawbacks. Once I saw them, I had to "divest" fast with a painful change that
oddly looked liked idle and aimless change. I hope I don't have another one like
that coming.

It doesn't feel this way. The HAL is tight, Big Moustache feels tight, "unit
bubbling", which replaced namespaces, feels tight.


[1]: https://git.sr.ht/~vdupras/duskos/tree/master/item/fs/doc/fs/core.txt#L246
[2]: the ":listdir" to "listdir" change
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<ZuHuoP/IpxDGNtGa@arendt> (view parent)
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On Wed, Sep 11, 2024 at 03:25:22PM -0400, Virgil Dupras wrote:
> Hello all,
> There seems to be a surge of interest in Dusk OS these days and I get asked for
> tutorials. My naive reaction to this is to ask what's wrong with the docs as
> they are. The naive response is to say that there's no way around it: Dusk is
> operated, not used.
> But one has to face it: significant effort has to be poured in learning about
> Forth and Dusk and the payoff is uncertain before that cost is paid. One could
> decide to pay this upfront cost based on the advertised features alone, but
> some people need to see the miracles with their own eyes before believing them.
> I can't blame them, I might do the same myself.
> To this end, I began writing the Dusk Tour[1], a series of annotated commands
> designed to be ran in dusk-sdl without prior Forth or Dusk knowlege. The idea
> is that we don't explain stuff, only show.
> So far, I only have assembling and compiling covered, but I'm also planning to
> add a significant part for graphical wonders.
> The uxn/varvara rewrite enticed me to essentially rewrite the whole graphical
> stack and that thing is getting quite pretty. And I think it will be fast. I'm
> thinking that a tour of that stack might turn in a few people into believers.
> Onwards,
> Virgil
> [1]: https://git.sr.ht/~vdupras/duskos/tree/master/item/fs/doc/tour.txt

I've just added a graphical part to the tour. Short but, I think, sweet.
Henk van de Kamer <henk@vandekamer.com>
Message ID
<88694383-83a4-4e8a-9f42-89ccb98b78b3@app.fastmail.com> (view parent)
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> (I just took a while to figure out how to build dusk-curses.
> usermode/README.md. Perhaps the section `Build and run` should come
> before `Packages`? It doesn't seem necessary to understand packages.
> And the sections before and after the build section both mention
> packages, which suggests they may be better off being contiguous..)
> (I haven't tried the multilib thing for dusk-sdl yet.)

It took me two hours to figure out how this is done in Debian 12 
(Bookworm). I created a patch against the README.md in the hope it can 
be used as overview how this is done. In the past I used similar 
examples from other distros to get things building in Debian.

May be it would be better to separate the build instructions in a new 
document, so detailed instructions for other distros can be added.

Anyway, I've now done the tour and it is good to see things working, 
even if it is still not clear to me why it works :-).

I'm the author since april 1998 of a three page column called Het Lab -- 
the lab -- in a Dutch computermagazine PC-Active. I've learned what 
people need to reproduce my work and most of the time that is a lot more 
of details you skip over because of how many words fits on a page. I'll 
probably propose some articles when I figured out what is my goal: using 
Collapse OS which is now hidden somewhere in Dusk OS.

Henk van de Kamer
Message ID
<44347aab-db9b-4edd-af16-192468536f0e@vandekamer.com> (view parent)
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On Thu, Sep 26, 2024 at 04:29:51PM +0200, Henk van de Kamer wrote:
> Hi,
> > (I just took a while to figure out how to build dusk-curses.
> > usermode/README.md. Perhaps the section `Build and run` should come
> > before `Packages`? It doesn't seem necessary to understand packages.
> > And the sections before and after the build section both mention
> > packages, which suggests they may be better off being contiguous..)
> > 
> > (I haven't tried the multilib thing for dusk-sdl yet.)
> It took me two hours to figure out how this is done in Debian 12 (Bookworm).
> I created a patch against the README.md in the hope it can be used as
> overview how this is done. In the past I used similar examples from other
> distros to get things building in Debian.
> May be it would be better to separate the build instructions in a new
> document, so detailed instructions for other distros can be added.
> Anyway, I've now done the tour and it is good to see things working, even if
> it is still not clear to me why it works :-).
> I'm the author since april 1998 of a three page column called Het Lab -- the
> lab -- in a Dutch computermagazine PC-Active. I've learned what people need
> to reproduce my work and most of the time that is a lot more of details you
> skip over because of how many words fits on a page. I'll probably propose
> some articles when I figured out what is my goal: using Collapse OS which is
> now hidden somewhere in Dusk OS.
> -- 
> Henk van de Kamer
> https://www.vandekamer.com/
> https://www.hetlab.tk/

With so much proximity to the project, it becomes difficult to figure out where
"newcomer showstoppers" are and newcomers, showstopped or not, will seldom
document their experience. So thanks for this, it's needed and welcome.

Henk van de Kamer <henk@vandekamer.com>
Message ID
<ZvV2kTTvJA8uiwO7@arendt> (view parent)
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Hi Virgil,

On 26-09-2024 16:58, Virgil Dupras wrote:
> With so much proximity to the project, it becomes difficult to figure out where
> "newcomer showstoppers" are and newcomers, showstopped or not, will seldom
> document their experience. So thanks for this, it's needed and welcome.

I know. And even after 26 years of writing, I still forget things or 
think that my audience should know that :-). Your project opens a whole 
new world for me, so basically I'm a noob at this point. And as long as 
I'm making progress, I won't stop.

For example, your tour -- which prompted me to study the Usermode Dusk 
-- has now led me to try it on my A64--OLinuXino from Olimex:

U-Boot SPL 2024.04 (Aug 24 2024 - 16:15:18 +0200)
DRAM: 1024 MiB
Trying to boot from MMC1
.....Dusk OS
92KB used 1009KB free ok
here .x
4a03744c ok
here dump
:4a03744c 3220 5f20 3b20 3a20 726f 7229 2033 205f 2 _ ; : ror) 3 _
:4a03745c 203b 0a5c 2072 6567 6973 7465 7220 7368  ;.\ register sh
:4a03746c 6966 7420 6f70 6572 6174 696f 6e73 2028 ift operations (
:4a03747c 206f 7020 7220 2d2d 206f 7020 290a 3a20  op r -- op ).:
:4a03748c 5f20 2820 6f70 2072 2074 7970 6520 2d2d _ ( op r type --
:4a03749c 206f 7020 2920 6469 7020 3420 6c73 6869  op ) dip 4 lshi
:4a0374ac 6674 207c 203c 3c20 312b 206f 7220 3420 ft | << 1+ or 4
:4a0374bc 6c73 6869 6674 206f 7220 3b0a 3a20 726c lshift or ;.: rl

That is not the clean memory as described. It was clean in the dusk-sdl 
binary. Strange? Or is it expected. Let's go on:

here $100 - dump
:4a03734c 0000 8de5 1500 000a 08b0 9de5 0180 a0e3 ................
:4a03735c 0800 9de5 0800 90e0 0800 8de5 0490 2ae5 ..............*.
:4a03736c 0090 dbe5 0490 2ae5 5fae ffeb eba6 ffeb ......*._.......
:4a03737c 0490 2ae5 5e90 a0e3 b3a7 ffeb 0000 a0e3 ..*.^...........
:4a03738c 0000 59e1 0490 9ae4 0200 000a 0490 9ae4 ..Y.............
:4a03739c 0490 2ae5 2e90 a0e3 73ae ffeb e5ff ffea ..*.....s.......
:4a0373ac 0d00 a0e1 0400 90e2 00d0 a0e1 74ae ffeb ............t...
:4a0373bc b2ff ffea 0d00 a0e1 0400 90e2 00d0 a0e1 ................
$cafebabe here !
here @ .x
cafebabe ok

I suspect that with the above, it is has probably overwritten something 
it shouldn't:

here dump
:4a03744c beba feca 3b20 3a20 726f 7229 2033 205f ....; : ror) 3 _
:4a03745c 203b 0a5c 2072 6567 6973 7465 7220 7368  ;.\ register sh
:4a03746c 6966 7420 6f70 6572 6174 696f 6e73 2028 ift operations (
:4a03747c 206f 7020 7220 2d2d 206f 7020 290a 3a20  op r -- op ).:
:4a03748c 5f20 2820 6f70 2072 2074 7970 6520 2d2d _ ( op r type --
:4a03749c 206f 7020 2920 6469 7020 3420 6c73 6869  op ) dip 4 lshi
:4a0374ac 6674 207c 203c 3c20 312b 206f 7220 3420 ft | << 1+ or 4
:4a0374bc 6c73 6869 6674 206f 7220 3b0a 3a20 726c lshift or ;.: rl

Yep! Bug? Something I don't understand? Let's keep going anyway:

needs asm/arm
code add42 add) r4 rd) r5 rn) 42 imm) ,)
5 add42 .

The first "command" learnt me something. I still can't wrap my head 
around where the files are. Probably in memory? And not in a filesystem 
we are used to? Still haven't figured out how the listdir is supposed to 
work. But now that I've seen things working, I begin to understand 
things better. With breaking working things you learn more then trying 
to get something to work which you don't understand. My motto is always 
try to have something working before you start experimenting...

The second part I found in your documentation. I didn't find how to 
return. ARM assembly is new for me. So I expected that the last part 
would hang the machine. Which it did :-). So still learnt something...

Henk van de Kamer
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<44347aab-db9b-4edd-af16-192468536f0e@vandekamer.com> (view parent)
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I really appreciate your instructions, Henk.
Message ID
<dea1725a-5f37-4179-8d0c-108834be465a@vandekamer.com> (view parent)
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On Thu, Sep 26, 2024 at 05:26:22PM +0200, Henk van de Kamer wrote:
> Hi Virgil,
> On 26-09-2024 16:58, Virgil Dupras wrote:
> > With so much proximity to the project, it becomes difficult to figure out where
> > "newcomer showstoppers" are and newcomers, showstopped or not, will seldom
> > document their experience. So thanks for this, it's needed and welcome.
> I know. And even after 26 years of writing, I still forget things or think
> that my audience should know that :-). Your project opens a whole new world
> for me, so basically I'm a noob at this point. And as long as I'm making
> progress, I won't stop.
> For example, your tour -- which prompted me to study the Usermode Dusk --
> has now led me to try it on my A64--OLinuXino from Olimex:
> U-Boot SPL 2024.04 (Aug 24 2024 - 16:15:18 +0200)
> DRAM: 1024 MiB
> Trying to boot from MMC1
> .....Dusk OS
> 92KB used 1009KB free ok
> here .x
> 4a03744c ok
> here dump
> :4a03744c 3220 5f20 3b20 3a20 726f 7229 2033 205f 2 _ ; : ror) 3 _
> :4a03745c 203b 0a5c 2072 6567 6973 7465 7220 7368  ;.\ register sh
> :4a03746c 6966 7420 6f70 6572 6174 696f 6e73 2028 ift operations (
> :4a03747c 206f 7020 7220 2d2d 206f 7020 290a 3a20  op r -- op ).:
> :4a03748c 5f20 2820 6f70 2072 2074 7970 6520 2d2d _ ( op r type --
> :4a03749c 206f 7020 2920 6469 7020 3420 6c73 6869  op ) dip 4 lshi
> :4a0374ac 6674 207c 203c 3c20 312b 206f 7220 3420 ft | << 1+ or 4
> :4a0374bc 6c73 6869 6674 206f 7220 3b0a 3a20 726c lshift or ;.: rl
>  ok
> That is not the clean memory as described. It was clean in the dusk-sdl
> binary. Strange? Or is it expected. Let's go on:
> here $100 - dump
> :4a03734c 0000 8de5 1500 000a 08b0 9de5 0180 a0e3 ................
> :4a03735c 0800 9de5 0800 90e0 0800 8de5 0490 2ae5 ..............*.
> :4a03736c 0090 dbe5 0490 2ae5 5fae ffeb eba6 ffeb ......*._.......
> :4a03737c 0490 2ae5 5e90 a0e3 b3a7 ffeb 0000 a0e3 ..*.^...........
> :4a03738c 0000 59e1 0490 9ae4 0200 000a 0490 9ae4 ..Y.............
> :4a03739c 0490 2ae5 2e90 a0e3 73ae ffeb e5ff ffea ..*.....s.......
> :4a0373ac 0d00 a0e1 0400 90e2 00d0 a0e1 74ae ffeb ............t...
> :4a0373bc b2ff ffea 0d00 a0e1 0400 90e2 00d0 a0e1 ................
>  ok
> $cafebabe here !
>  ok
> here @ .x
> cafebabe ok
> I suspect that with the above, it is has probably overwritten something it
> shouldn't:
> here dump
> :4a03744c beba feca 3b20 3a20 726f 7229 2033 205f ....; : ror) 3 _
> :4a03745c 203b 0a5c 2072 6567 6973 7465 7220 7368  ;.\ register sh
> :4a03746c 6966 7420 6f70 6572 6174 696f 6e73 2028 ift operations (
> :4a03747c 206f 7020 7220 2d2d 206f 7020 290a 3a20  op r -- op ).:
> :4a03748c 5f20 2820 6f70 2072 2074 7970 6520 2d2d _ ( op r type --
> :4a03749c 206f 7020 2920 6469 7020 3420 6c73 6869  op ) dip 4 lshi
> :4a0374ac 6674 207c 203c 3c20 312b 206f 7220 3420 ft | << 1+ or 4
> :4a0374bc 6c73 6869 6674 206f 7220 3b0a 3a20 726c lshift or ;.: rl
>  ok
> Yep! Bug? Something I don't understand? Let's keep going anyway:
> needs asm/arm
>  ok
> code add42 add) r4 rd) r5 rn) 42 imm) ,)
>  ok
> 5 add42 .
> The first "command" learnt me something. I still can't wrap my head around
> where the files are. Probably in memory? And not in a filesystem we are used
> to? Still haven't figured out how the listdir is supposed to work. But now
> that I've seen things working, I begin to understand things better. With
> breaking working things you learn more then trying to get something to work
> which you don't understand. My motto is always try to have something working
> before you start experimenting...
> The second part I found in your documentation. I didn't find how to return.
> ARM assembly is new for me. So I expected that the last part would hang the
> machine. Which it did :-). So still learnt something...
> -- 
> Henk van de Kamer
> https://www.vandekamer.com/
> https://www.hetlab.tk/

The great thing about Dusk is that the answers to your questions aren't too far
away and they're pretty straightforward. Yes, full understanding requires taking
the "full learning" path, but I can give you indicators of where to look, that's
a good learning motivator.

First, the dump. The answer is in the sunxi kernel[1] and u-boot's code[2].

u-boot is designed to boot huge programs, so it reads a lot of sectors (400)
from the SD card to memory. Dusk doesn't waste memory and, because its kernel
and payload is less than $20000 bytes in size, sets its inital HERE there. But
this memory is populated by spurious sectors u-boot has read into it.

So no, you're not breaking anything by writing to it. This is garbage data.

> needs asm/arm
>  ok
> code add42 add) r4 rd) r5 rn) 42 imm) ,)
>  ok
> 5 add42 .

You're using the assembler correctly, but you're using the wrong registers.
You're also not returning[3].  What you're looking for is:

	code add42 add) r9 rdn) 42 imm) ,) ret,
	5 add42 .
	47 ok

Informations about registers are in doc/hw/arm[4]. "rTOP" is an alias for "r9".

ARM is a bit weird and doc/asm/arm doesn't make much sense until you read about
ARM first. But I think that once you do, the docs become adequate. Let me know
if they turn out not to be.

Files are in a FAT on the SD card. You should be able to mount the SD card
you've created for the OLinuXino as FAT and browse the files. The kernel and
payload are in the "Reserved Sectors" part of the FAT.

This happens in the Makefile[5].

I hope this helps!

[1]: https://git.sr.ht/~vdupras/duskos/tree/master/item/fs/xcomp/arm/sunxi/kernel.fs#L17
[2]: https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot/blob/v2024.04/common/spl/spl.c#L257
[3]: https://git.sr.ht/~vdupras/duskos/tree/master/item/fs/doc/asm/arm.txt#L209
[4]: https://git.sr.ht/~vdupras/duskos/tree/master/item/fs/doc/hw/arm.txt
[5]: https://git.sr.ht/~vdupras/duskos-deployments/tree/master/item/a64-olinuxino/Makefile#L19
Henk van de Kamer <henk@vandekamer.com>
Message ID
<ZvWFa2yCVzPwSMkW@arendt> (view parent)
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On 26-09-2024 18:01, Virgil Dupras wrote:
> The great thing about Dusk is that the answers to your questions aren't too far
> away and they're pretty straightforward. Yes, full understanding requires taking
> the "full learning" path, but I can give you indicators of where to look, that's
> a good learning motivator.

Thanks! I already learnt some new things, which is always nice.

> First, the dump. The answer is in the sunxi kernel[1] and u-boot's code[2].
> u-boot is designed to boot huge programs, so it reads a lot of sectors (400)
> from the SD card to memory. Dusk doesn't waste memory and, because its kernel
> and payload is less than $20000 bytes in size, sets its inital HERE there. But
> this memory is populated by spurious sectors u-boot has read into it.
> So no, you're not breaking anything by writing to it. This is garbage data.

I've a Banana Pi which I use as an internal IMAP server an lately as an 
webserver as well. For that I needed to compile my own full U-Boot and 
created scripts to start the Linux kernel, initial ramdisk and dtb. I 
even created a part where it looks at an GPIO pin, so we could start the 
last working kernel.

I knew that a small part was the SPL, but other then the message, you 
don't see that. So using it this way was interesting. In the Sunxi docs 
I even found why you copied with 8 kilobyte of zeroes before it. That is 
where the BROM looks for a valid signature. Which leaves the first 8 
kilobyte clean to add an MBR and newer GPT if needed.

>> needs asm/arm
>>  ok
>> code add42 add) r4 rd) r5 rn) 42 imm) ,)
>>  ok
>> 5 add42 .
> You're using the assembler correctly, but you're using the wrong registers.
> You're also not returning[3].  What you're looking for is:
> 	code add42 add) r9 rdn) 42 imm) ,) ret,
> 	5 add42 .
> 	47 ok
> Informations about registers are in doc/hw/arm[4]. "rTOP" is an alias for "r9".
> ARM is a bit weird and doc/asm/arm doesn't make much sense until you read about
> ARM first. But I think that once you do, the docs become adequate. Let me know
> if they turn out not to be.

Will do. And thanks for the example!

> Files are in a FAT on the SD card. You should be able to mount the SD card
> you've created for the OLinuXino as FAT and browse the files. The kernel and
> payload are in the "Reserved Sectors" part of the FAT.
> This happens in the Makefile[5].

Mounting it, was already on my list of experiments.

Thanks for all the links, means I've a lot of reading to do :-).

Henk van de Kamer
Message ID
<dea1725a-5f37-4179-8d0c-108834be465a@vandekamer.com> (view parent)
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Am 26.09.2024 um 17:26 schrieb Henk van de Kamer:

> The first "command" learnt me something. I still can't wrap my head
> around where the files are. Probably in memory? And not in a filesystem
> we are used to? Still haven't figured out how the listdir is supposed to
> work.

you can do

f<< home/sh.fs
ls /doc

and it will return a file listing.

ll /tests

also works, so does

edit /home/sh.fs

(puts you into ged)

Unfortunately, at least in v11,

ls /

is broken, so you cannot find out what is in your root directory (at
least not this way). So you have to remember it from when you last
mounted the directory, or write it down, or print it if you have a
working printer :)



PS: Yes I am notorious in forgetting file names, sometimes I forget the
name just after I named and saved a new file, so I look at the most
recent files to see how I named it. Probably if all I had was Dusk, I
would get better in remembering, or write it down on a piece of paper.
Message ID
<1636876a-2628-4dd5-b9e6-99a5ba08c783@gmx.de> (view parent)
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On Thu, Sep 26, 2024 at 07:10:08PM +0200, Michael Schierl wrote:
> Unfortunately, at least in v11,
> ls /
> is broken, so you cannot find out what is in your root directory (at
> least not this way). So you have to remember it from when you last
> mounted the directory, or write it down, or print it if you have a
> working printer :)

To list the root directory, it's "listdir" with dirid 0:

	0 bootfs listdir

But otherwise yeah, I should do something about "ls /".
Henk van de Kamer <henk@vandekamer.com>
Message ID
<ZvWFa2yCVzPwSMkW@arendt> (view parent)
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Hi Virgil,

> The great thing about Dusk is that the answers to your questions aren't too far
> away and they're pretty straightforward. Yes, full understanding requires taking
> the "full learning" path, but I can give you indicators of where to look, that's
> a good learning motivator.

Thanks for the indicators. Really appreciated!

> First, the dump. The answer is in the sunxi kernel[1] and u-boot's code[2].
> u-boot is designed to boot huge programs, so it reads a lot of sectors (400)
> from the SD card to memory. Dusk doesn't waste memory and, because its kernel
> and payload is less than $20000 bytes in size, sets its inital HERE there. But
> this memory is populated by spurious sectors u-boot has read into it.
> So no, you're not breaking anything by writing to it. This is garbage data.

After two hours I didn't succeed to find the garbage in the 200 plus 40 
-- 8 + 32 for MBR plus SPL -- kilobyte. I did find in the U-Boot source 
code why it starts with 0x4a000000. Then my eye caught the if part:

	spl_image->size = CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_LEN;
	/* Unknown U-Boot size, let's assume it will not be more than
            200 KB */
	spl_image->size = 200 * 1024;

Looking in the u-boot.cfg which it used to build the SPL I found:


So it reads even more :-). And with that I found the " ror) 3" string as 

hvdkamer@ontwikkel2:~/duskos/duskos-deployments/a64-olinuxino$ hexdump 
-C dusk.img | grep -E ' ror) 3'
00041450  3b 20 3a 20 72 6f 72 29  20 33 20 5f 20 3b 0a 5c  |; : ror) 3 
_ ;.\|

In memory the above data starts at 0x4a037450. So I'm not there yet, but 
with the above I no know it is indeed garbage. And that there is more of 
it :-). Not clear why there is a 16 kilobyte difference. But at least I 
begin to see how it works.

Henk van de Kamer
Henk van de Kamer <henk@vandekamer.com>
Message ID
<627e175f-7f7d-4baf-a9c8-33bd84517063@vandekamer.com> (view parent)
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On 27-09-2024 17:07, Henk van de Kamer wrote:
> So it reads even more :-). And with that I found the " ror) 3" string as
> follows:
> hvdkamer@ontwikkel2:~/duskos/duskos-deployments/a64-olinuxino$ hexdump
> -C dusk.img | grep -E ' ror) 3'
> 00041450  3b 20 3a 20 72 6f 72 29  20 33 20 5f 20 3b 0a 5c  |; : ror) 3
> _ ;.\|
> In memory the above data starts at 0x4a037450. So I'm not there yet, but
> with the above I no know it is indeed garbage. And that there is more of
> it :-). Not clear why there is a 16 kilobyte difference. But at least I
> begin to see how it works.

Duh! I must skip the first 40 kilobytes of dusk.img because there the 
SPL starts loading the 768 kilobytes as specified:

here $04 + dump
:4a037450 3b20 3a20 726f 7229 2033 205f 203b 0a5c ; : ror) 3 _ ;.\
:4a037460 2072 6567 6973 7465 7220 7368 6966 7420  register shift
:4a037470 6f70 6572 6174 696f 6e73 2028 206f 7020 operations ( op
:4a037480 7220 2d2d 206f 7020 290a 3a20 5f20 2820 r -- op ).: _ (
:4a037490 6f70 2072 2074 7970 6520 2d2d 206f 7020 op r type -- op
:4a0374a0 2920 6469 7020 3420 6c73 6869 6674 207c ) dip 4 lshift |
:4a0374b0 203c 3c20 312b 206f 7220 3420 6c73 6869  << 1+ or 4 lshi
:4a0374c0 6674 206f 7220 3b0a 3a20 726c 736c 2920 ft or ;.: rlsl)


hvdkamer@ontwikkel2:~/duskos/duskos-deployments/a64-olinuxino$ dd 
if=dusk.img bs=1k skip=40 | xxd | grep -A 7 -E '00037450'
00037450: 3b20 3a20 726f 7229 2033 205f 203b 0a5c  ; : ror) 3 _ ;.\
00037460: 2072 6567 6973 7465 7220 7368 6966 7420   register shift
00037470: 6f70 6572 6174 696f 6e73 2028 206f 7020  operations ( op
00037480: 7220 2d2d 206f 7020 290a 3a20 5f20 2820  r -- op ).: _ (
00037490: 6f70 2072 2074 7970 6520 2d2d 206f 7020  op r type -- op
000374a0: 2920 6469 7020 3420 6c73 6869 6674 207c  ) dip 4 lshift |
000374b0: 203c 3c20 312b 206f 7220 3420 6c73 6869   << 1+ or 4 lshi
000374c0: 6674 206f 7220 3b0a 3a20 726c 736c 2920  ft or ;.: rlsl)
8152+0 records in
8152+0 records out
8347648 bytes (8.3 MB, 8.0 MiB) copied, 0.267942 s, 31.2 MB/s

Now let's see if it is indeed 768 kilobyte:

here $88b34 + dump
:4a0bff80 6576 6963 6573 2e20 4966 2079 6f75 7220 evices. If your
:4a0bff90 636f 6e73 6f6c 6520 6973 6e27 7420 6772 console isn't gr
:4a0bffa0 6170 6869 6361 6c20 2874 6861 7420 6973 aphical (that is
:4a0bffb0 2c20 3130 3025 206f 6620 636f 6e73 6f6c , 100% of consol
:4a0bffc0 650a 2020 696d 706c 656d 656e 7461 7469 e.  implementati
:4a0bffd0 6f6e 7320 696e 2044 7573 6b20 6174 2074 ons in Dusk at t
:4a0bffe0 6865 206d 6f6d 656e 7429 2c20 7468 6973 he moment), this
:4a0bfff0 206c 6f63 6b73 2079 6f75 206f 7574 206f  locks you out o


hvdkamer@ontwikkel2:~/duskos/duskos-deployments/a64-olinuxino$ dd 
if=dusk.img bs=1k skip=40 | xxd | grep -A 7 -E '000bff80'
000bff80: 6576 6963 6573 2e20 4966 2079 6f75 7220  evices. If your
000bff90: 636f 6e73 6f6c 6520 6973 6e27 7420 6772  console isn't gr
000bffa0: 6170 6869 6361 6c20 2874 6861 7420 6973  aphical (that is
000bffb0: 2c20 3130 3025 206f 6620 636f 6e73 6f6c  , 100% of consol
000bffc0: 650a 2020 696d 706c 656d 656e 7461 7469  e.  implementati
000bffd0: 6f6e 7320 696e 2044 7573 6b20 6174 2074  ons in Dusk at t
000bffe0: 6865 206d 6f6d 656e 7429 2c20 7468 6973  he moment), this
000bfff0: 206c 6f63 6b73 2079 6f75 206f 7574 206f   locks you out o
8152+0 records in
8152+0 records out
8347648 bytes (8.3 MB, 8.0 MiB) copied, 0.255807 s, 32.6 MB/s

After 0x000c0000 it begins to differ:

here $88bb4 + dump
:4a0c0000 fffb ffff feff ffff ffff bfef f97f 7ffc ................
:4a0c0010 9fdf 5fa7 3a9f f57d ef7f fffb ffff b7ff .._.:..}........
:4a0c0020 ffff dfff ffff ffff efe7 7f3d fe77 eff7 ...........=.w..
:4a0c0030 dfee fff7 dff3 ffdd ffff fff7 f7ff ffff ................
:4a0c0040 ffff f7ef efff feff eff7 dbfd effd feff ................
:4a0c0050 ff7f fdff fff7 ef9e ffff ffff ffff ffaf ................
:4a0c0060 ffff fffd fef7 ffff ff77 9bff f758 bbff .........w...X..
:4a0c0070 6ff5 a73d eab7 fb3f febf ffdf ffdf ffff o..=...?........


hvdkamer@ontwikkel2:~/duskos/duskos-deployments/a64-olinuxino$ dd 
if=dusk.img bs=1k skip=40 | xxd | grep -A 7 -E '000c0000'
000c0000: 6620 7468 6520 636f 6d70 7574 6572 2c20  f the computer,
000c0010: 736f 0a20 2064 6f6e 2774 2063 616c 6c20  so.  don't call
000c0020: 7468 6973 2069 6e74 6572 6163 7469 7665  this interactive
000c0030: 6c79 2077 6974 686f 7574 2061 2077 6179  ly without a way
000c0040: 2074 6f20 6765 7420 6f75 7420 6f66 2069   to get out of i
000c0050: 7420 6167 6169 6e2e 0a0a 6775 695f 6465  t again...gui_de
000c0060: 696e 6974 2028 202d 2d20 290a 2020 5075  init ( -- ).  Pu
000c0070: 7420 7468 6520 7363 7265 656e 2062 6163  t the screen bac
8152+0 records in
8152+0 records out
8347648 bytes (8.3 MB, 8.0 MiB) copied, 0.259678 s, 32.1 MB/s

Confirmed. Next step is seeing what happens from 0x4a000000 to here.

Henk van de Kamer
Message ID
<e59ed004-b0de-4d17-a5ad-1322dd3d0dc9@vandekamer.com> (view parent)
DKIM signature
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On Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 05:54:31PM +0200, Henk van de Kamer wrote:
> On 27-09-2024 17:07, Henk van de Kamer wrote:
> > So it reads even more :-). And with that I found the " ror) 3" string as
> > follows:
> > 
> > hvdkamer@ontwikkel2:~/duskos/duskos-deployments/a64-olinuxino$ hexdump
> > -C dusk.img | grep -E ' ror) 3'
> > 00041450  3b 20 3a 20 72 6f 72 29  20 33 20 5f 20 3b 0a 5c  |; : ror) 3
> > _ ;.\|
> > 
> > 
> > In memory the above data starts at 0x4a037450. So I'm not there yet, but
> > with the above I no know it is indeed garbage. And that there is more of
> > it :-). Not clear why there is a 16 kilobyte difference. But at least I
> > begin to see how it works.
> Duh! I must skip the first 40 kilobytes of dusk.img because there the SPL
> starts loading the 768 kilobytes as specified:
> here $04 + dump
> :4a037450 3b20 3a20 726f 7229 2033 205f 203b 0a5c ; : ror) 3 _ ;.\
> :4a037460 2072 6567 6973 7465 7220 7368 6966 7420  register shift
> :4a037470 6f70 6572 6174 696f 6e73 2028 206f 7020 operations ( op
> :4a037480 7220 2d2d 206f 7020 290a 3a20 5f20 2820 r -- op ).: _ (
> :4a037490 6f70 2072 2074 7970 6520 2d2d 206f 7020 op r type -- op
> :4a0374a0 2920 6469 7020 3420 6c73 6869 6674 207c ) dip 4 lshift |
> :4a0374b0 203c 3c20 312b 206f 7220 3420 6c73 6869  << 1+ or 4 lshi
> :4a0374c0 6674 206f 7220 3b0a 3a20 726c 736c 2920 ft or ;.: rlsl)
>  ok
> And:
> hvdkamer@ontwikkel2:~/duskos/duskos-deployments/a64-olinuxino$ dd
> if=dusk.img bs=1k skip=40 | xxd | grep -A 7 -E '00037450'
> 00037450: 3b20 3a20 726f 7229 2033 205f 203b 0a5c  ; : ror) 3 _ ;.\
> 00037460: 2072 6567 6973 7465 7220 7368 6966 7420   register shift
> 00037470: 6f70 6572 6174 696f 6e73 2028 206f 7020  operations ( op
> 00037480: 7220 2d2d 206f 7020 290a 3a20 5f20 2820  r -- op ).: _ (
> 00037490: 6f70 2072 2074 7970 6520 2d2d 206f 7020  op r type -- op
> 000374a0: 2920 6469 7020 3420 6c73 6869 6674 207c  ) dip 4 lshift |
> 000374b0: 203c 3c20 312b 206f 7220 3420 6c73 6869   << 1+ or 4 lshi
> 000374c0: 6674 206f 7220 3b0a 3a20 726c 736c 2920  ft or ;.: rlsl)
> 8152+0 records in
> 8152+0 records out
> 8347648 bytes (8.3 MB, 8.0 MiB) copied, 0.267942 s, 31.2 MB/s
> Now let's see if it is indeed 768 kilobyte:
> here $88b34 + dump
> :4a0bff80 6576 6963 6573 2e20 4966 2079 6f75 7220 evices. If your
> :4a0bff90 636f 6e73 6f6c 6520 6973 6e27 7420 6772 console isn't gr
> :4a0bffa0 6170 6869 6361 6c20 2874 6861 7420 6973 aphical (that is
> :4a0bffb0 2c20 3130 3025 206f 6620 636f 6e73 6f6c , 100% of consol
> :4a0bffc0 650a 2020 696d 706c 656d 656e 7461 7469 e.  implementati
> :4a0bffd0 6f6e 7320 696e 2044 7573 6b20 6174 2074 ons in Dusk at t
> :4a0bffe0 6865 206d 6f6d 656e 7429 2c20 7468 6973 he moment), this
> :4a0bfff0 206c 6f63 6b73 2079 6f75 206f 7574 206f  locks you out o
>  ok
> And:
> hvdkamer@ontwikkel2:~/duskos/duskos-deployments/a64-olinuxino$ dd
> if=dusk.img bs=1k skip=40 | xxd | grep -A 7 -E '000bff80'
> 000bff80: 6576 6963 6573 2e20 4966 2079 6f75 7220  evices. If your
> 000bff90: 636f 6e73 6f6c 6520 6973 6e27 7420 6772  console isn't gr
> 000bffa0: 6170 6869 6361 6c20 2874 6861 7420 6973  aphical (that is
> 000bffb0: 2c20 3130 3025 206f 6620 636f 6e73 6f6c  , 100% of consol
> 000bffc0: 650a 2020 696d 706c 656d 656e 7461 7469  e.  implementati
> 000bffd0: 6f6e 7320 696e 2044 7573 6b20 6174 2074  ons in Dusk at t
> 000bffe0: 6865 206d 6f6d 656e 7429 2c20 7468 6973  he moment), this
> 000bfff0: 206c 6f63 6b73 2079 6f75 206f 7574 206f   locks you out o
> 8152+0 records in
> 8152+0 records out
> 8347648 bytes (8.3 MB, 8.0 MiB) copied, 0.255807 s, 32.6 MB/s
> After 0x000c0000 it begins to differ:
> here $88bb4 + dump
> :4a0c0000 fffb ffff feff ffff ffff bfef f97f 7ffc ................
> :4a0c0010 9fdf 5fa7 3a9f f57d ef7f fffb ffff b7ff .._.:..}........
> :4a0c0020 ffff dfff ffff ffff efe7 7f3d fe77 eff7 ...........=.w..
> :4a0c0030 dfee fff7 dff3 ffdd ffff fff7 f7ff ffff ................
> :4a0c0040 ffff f7ef efff feff eff7 dbfd effd feff ................
> :4a0c0050 ff7f fdff fff7 ef9e ffff ffff ffff ffaf ................
> :4a0c0060 ffff fffd fef7 ffff ff77 9bff f758 bbff .........w...X..
> :4a0c0070 6ff5 a73d eab7 fb3f febf ffdf ffdf ffff o..=...?........
>  ok
> And:
> hvdkamer@ontwikkel2:~/duskos/duskos-deployments/a64-olinuxino$ dd
> if=dusk.img bs=1k skip=40 | xxd | grep -A 7 -E '000c0000'
> 000c0000: 6620 7468 6520 636f 6d70 7574 6572 2c20  f the computer,
> 000c0010: 736f 0a20 2064 6f6e 2774 2063 616c 6c20  so.  don't call
> 000c0020: 7468 6973 2069 6e74 6572 6163 7469 7665  this interactive
> 000c0030: 6c79 2077 6974 686f 7574 2061 2077 6179  ly without a way
> 000c0040: 2074 6f20 6765 7420 6f75 7420 6f66 2069   to get out of i
> 000c0050: 7420 6167 6169 6e2e 0a0a 6775 695f 6465  t again...gui_de
> 000c0060: 696e 6974 2028 202d 2d20 290a 2020 5075  init ( -- ).  Pu
> 000c0070: 7420 7468 6520 7363 7265 656e 2062 6163  t the screen bac
> 8152+0 records in
> 8152+0 records out
> 8347648 bytes (8.3 MB, 8.0 MiB) copied, 0.259678 s, 32.1 MB/s
> Confirmed. Next step is seeing what happens from 0x4a000000 to here.
> -- 
> Henk van de Kamer
> https://www.vandekamer.com/
> https://www.hetlab.tk/

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