Use SVG to generate the diagram.
The new subcommand is:
explore <machine> <length> <outfile>
We could add another feature to "truncate" the diagram up to a certain
Signed-off-by: Thomas Vigouroux <>
Busybeaver/SpaceTimeDiagram.lean | 214 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Main.lean | 27 +++-
2 files changed, 240 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
create mode 100644 Busybeaver/SpaceTimeDiagram.lean
diff --git a/Busybeaver/SpaceTimeDiagram.lean b/Busybeaver/SpaceTimeDiagram.lean
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d1876bd994b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Busybeaver/SpaceTimeDiagram.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+import Busybeaver.Basic
+import Lean.Data.AssocList
+import Busybeaver.Parse
+Generates a time diagram for a TM as an SVG.
+namespace SVG
+inductive Size where
+| pixels : ℤ → Size
+instance: OfNat Size n where
+ ofNat := .pixels n
+instance: Coe ℤ Size where
+ coe := .pixels
+instance: Coe ℕ Size where
+ coe n := .pixels ↑n
+instance: ToString Size where
+ toString := λ
+ | .pixels n => toString n
+inductive Kind where
+| rect (width height: Size) (x y: Size)
+instance: ToString Kind where
+ toString := λ
+ | .rect width height x y => s!"rect width=\"{width}\" height=\"{height}\" x=\"{x}\" y=\"{y}\""
+inductive Color where
+| rgb : UInt8 → UInt8 → UInt8 → Color
+| hsl : Fin 361 → Fin 101 → Fin 101 → Color
+instance: ToString Color where
+ toString := λ
+ | .rgb r g b => s!"rgb({r} {g} {b})"
+ | .hsl h s l => s!"hsl({h}deg {s}% {l}%)"
+structure Elem where
+ kind : Kind
+ fill? : Option Color
+ modifiers : List (String × String)
+instance: ToString Elem where
+ toString e :=
+ "<" ++ toString e.kind ++
+ (if let .some c := e.fill? then
+ " fill=\"" ++ toString c ++ "\""
+ else
+ "")
+ ++ e.modifiers.foldl (λ acc ⟨k, v⟩ ↦ s!"{acc} {k}=\"{v}\"") "" ++ "/>"
+structure Doc where
+ width : Size
+ height : Size
+ elems: List Elem
+instance: ToString Doc where
+ toString doc :=
+ s!"<svg width=\"{doc.width}\" height=\"{doc.height}\" xmlns=\"\">{String.join ( toString)}</svg>"
+def Doc.writeTo (doc: Doc) (stream: IO.FS.Stream) := stream.putStr (toString doc)
+declare_syntax_cat svg
+declare_syntax_cat svg_elem
+declare_syntax_cat svg_color
+declare_syntax_cat svg_attrib
+syntax str : svg_attrib
+syntax num : svg_attrib
+syntax "{{" term "}}" : svg_attrib
+syntax "rgb(" term "," term "," term ")" : svg_color
+syntax "hsl(" term "," term "," term ")" : svg_color
+syntax "{{" term "}}" : svg_color
+syntax "<svg width=" svg_attrib " height=" svg_attrib ">" svg_elem* "</svg>" : term
+syntax "<rect width=" svg_attrib " height=" svg_attrib " x=" svg_attrib " y=" svg_attrib (" fill=" svg_color)? "/>" : svg_elem
+syntax "se[[" svg_elem "]]" : term
+syntax "sa[[" svg_attrib "]]" : term
+syntax "sc[[" svg_color "]]" : term
+| `(term| <svg width=$w height=$h>$[$el:svg_elem]*</svg>) => `(term| sa[[$w]] sa[[$h]] [$[ se[[$el]] ],*])
+| `(term| se[[<rect width=$w height=$h x=$x y=$y/>]]) =>
+ `(term| (Kind.rect sa[[$w]] sa[[$h]] sa[[$x]] sa[[$y]]) .none [])
+| `(term| se[[<rect width=$w height=$h x=$x y=$y fill=$c/>]]) =>
+ `(term| (Kind.rect sa[[$w]] sa[[$h]] sa[[$x]] sa[[$y]]) (.some sc[[$c]]) [])
+| `(term| sc[[rgb($r,$g,$b)]]) => `(term| Color.rgb $r $g $b)
+| `(term| sc[[hsl($h,$s,$l)]]) => `(term| Color.hsl $h $s $l)
+| `(term| sc[[{{$v}}]]) => pure v
+| `(term| sa[[$v:num]]) => `(term| $v)
+| `(term| sa[[$v:str]]) => `(term| $v)
+| `(term| sa[[{{$v}}]]) => pure v
+end SVG
+namespace TM.SpaceTime
+private def sColor (sym: Symbol s): SVG.Color :=
+ let val: ℕ := (sym * 255) / s
+ let val: UInt8 := UInt8.ofNat val
+ SVG.Color.rgb val val val
+private def lColor (label: Label l): SVG.Color :=
+ let val: ℕ := (label * 300) / l
+ let val: Fin 361 := val
+ SVG.Color.hsl val 82 43
+def size := 10
+private def symToRec (sym: Symbol s) (offset: ℤ) (depth: ℕ): SVG.Elem :=
+ se[[
+ <rect width={{size}} height={{size}} x={{↑(offset * size)}} y={{↑(depth * size)}} fill={{sColor sym}}/>
+ ]]
+abbrev Line (l s) := Config l s × Turing.Dir
+def getLines (depth: ℕ) (cfg: Config l s) (M: Machine l s): List <| Line l s := match depth with
+| 0 => []
+| n + 1 => match hM: M cfg.state cfg.tape.head with
+ | .halt => []
+ | .next _ dir _ =>
+ let ncfg : Config l s := M.step cfg |>.get (by simp [Option.isSome, Machine.step, hM])
+ (cfg, dir) :: getLines n ncfg M
+def getBounds (left cur right: ℤ): List (Line l s) → ℤ × ℤ
+| [] => (left, right)
+| (_, dir) :: rest => match dir with
+ | .left => getBounds (min (cur - 1) left) (cur - 1) right rest
+ | .right => getBounds left (cur + 1) (max (cur + 1) right) rest
+lemma getBounds.leftNeg {L: List <| Line l s}: (getBounds le cu ri L).1 ≤ le :=
+by induction le, cu, ri, L using getBounds.induct with simp [getBounds]
+| case2 left cur right _ rest IH => {
+ simp at IH
+ exact IH.2
+| case3 left cur right _ rest IH => {
+ simp at IH
+ exact IH
+lemma getBounds.rightPos {L: List <| Line l s}: ri ≤ (getBounds le cu ri L).2 :=
+by induction le, cu, ri, L using getBounds.induct with simp [getBounds]
+| case2 left cur right _ rest IH => {
+ simp at IH
+ exact IH
+| case3 left cur right _ rest IH => {
+ simp at IH
+ exact IH.2
+Turns the given ListBlank into a list of length target
+unsafe def unquotAndPad (target: ℕ) (hT: Turing.ListBlank (Symbol s)): List (Symbol s) :=
+ let unq := Quot.unquot hT
+ unq ++ List.replicate (target - unq.length) default
+unsafe def configToRects (offset: ℤ) (leftmax rightmax: ℕ) (depth: ℕ) (cfg: Config l s): List SVG.Elem :=
+ /-
+ Tricky: depdending on `offset` we need to padd correctly on left and right.
+ o
+ XXX|XXX -> lp = l + o, lr = r - o
+ l r
+ o
+ XXX|XXX -> lp = l + o, lr = r - o
+ l r
+ -/
+ let leftpadded : List (Symbol s) := unquotAndPad (leftmax + offset).toNat cfg.tape.left
+ let rightpadded := unquotAndPad (rightmax - offset).toNat cfg.tape.right
+ let left: List SVG.Elem := leftpadded.reverse |>.enum |>.map
+ λ ⟨i, sym⟩ ↦ symToRec sym i depth
+ let right := rightpadded |>.enum |>.map
+ λ ⟨i, sym⟩ ↦ symToRec sym (leftpadded.length + i + 1) depth
+ symToRec cfg.tape.head leftpadded.length depth ::
+ se[[
+ <rect width={{↑(size * 3 / 5)}} height={{↑(size * 3 / 5)}}
+ x={{↑(leftpadded.length * size + size / 5)}} y={{↑(depth * size + size / 5)}}
+ fill={{lColor cfg.state}}/>
+ ]] :: left ++ right
+private unsafe def toArray (leftmax rightmax: ℕ) (offset: ℤ): List (ℕ × Line l s) → List SVG.Elem
+| [] => []
+| (depth, cfg, dir) :: rest =>
+ let noff := offset + match dir with
+ | .left => -1
+ | .right => 1
+ configToRects offset leftmax rightmax depth cfg ++ toArray leftmax rightmax noff rest
+unsafe def generate (depth: ℕ) (M: Machine l s): SVG.Doc :=
+ let lines := getLines depth default M
+ let (leftmax, rightmax) := getBounds 0 0 0 lines
+ {
+ width := ↑(size * (leftmax.natAbs + rightmax.natAbs + 1)),
+ height := ↑(size * lines.length),
+ elems := toArray leftmax.natAbs rightmax.natAbs 0 lines.enum
+ }
diff --git a/Main.lean b/Main.lean
index 6b51f4fbdd9e..81f929ff24da 100644
--- a/Main.lean
+++ b/Main.lean
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Busybeaver.Deciders.NoHaltState
import Busybeaver.Deciders.TranslatedCyclers
import Busybeaver.Enumerate.Alg
import Busybeaver.Parse
+import Busybeaver.SpaceTimeDiagram
import Lean.Data.Json
@@ -117,6 +118,29 @@ unsafe def checkCmd := `[Cli|
machine: String; "The machine code"
+unsafe def runExploreCmd (p: Parsed): IO UInt32 := do
+ let ⟨l, s, M⟩ := p.positionalArg! "machine" |>.as! MParseRes
+ let depth := p.positionalArg! "depth" |>.as! ℕ
+ let output := p.positionalArg! "output" |>.as! String
+ IO.println s!"Parsed machine with {l + 1} labels and {s + 1} symbols: {repr M}"
+ let doc := TM.SpaceTime.generate depth M
+ IO.FS.writeFile output (toString doc)
+ return 0
+unsafe def exploreCmd := `[Cli|
+ explore VIA runExploreCmd;
+ "Creates a space time diagram of the machine"
+ machine: String; "The machine code"
+ depth: ℕ; "Depth to explore"
+ output: String; "Path to write the output"
unsafe def computeCmd (p: Parsed): IO UInt32 := do
let start ← IO.monoMsNow
let l := (p.positionalArg! "nlabs" |>.as! ℕ) - 1
@@ -164,7 +188,8 @@ unsafe def mainCmd := `[Cli|
nsyms: ℕ; "Number of symbols for the machines"
- checkCmd
+ checkCmd;
+ exploreCmd
unsafe def main (args: List String): IO UInt32 := do