murse v0.3.0 has been released.
As mentioned in the previous announcement, this update is a transitional
release in preparation for some breaking changes. For more information
on that please refer to the previous announcement.
For repositories using the new format for revision files, signatures can
now be checked by using the -s/--verify-sigs flag and piping the key to
stdin. It does not accept a file argument.
murse upgrade open_fortress -s < file.pem
curl | murse verify -s -r game_dir
The toaster has been fixed, if you've had problems with it you can use
it again. The toaster does not have backwards compatibility for the old
TVN revision file format. Luckily, murse now has a series of operations
under the new rewrite command. This command is for rewriting history in
a TVN repository, with the only operation supported right now being
"wrap." All wrap does is convert from the old format to the new one. Run
it on the repository and you should be good to go. More operations are
planned to be added.
- Adds support for signature checks, as well as the new format TVN is
using for said signatures. This version supports the old format as
well for upgrading and verification, but will be removed in a future
non-patch release. The toast command does not have backwards
- The upgrade command will now quarantine files if signature checks are
- Toasting problems related to hanging as well as directory access has
been fixed.
- The toast command now only supports the new post-signature format for
revision files.
- Single-threaded upgrades are now allowed.
- The toaster now has support for the -c flag.
- A new command, rewrite, has been added. It allows you to rewrite parts
of TVN repository as well as fix problems. Right now the only rewrite
operation supported is "wrap," which upgrades revisions to the new
post-signature format for revision objects.
- COPYING and ATTRIBUTION is now included by default in release files.
- Removed various references to "TVS" with "TVN."